1.0.2 • Published 3 years ago

cgignite-dataload v1.0.2

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Node-RED Node TypeScript

This repository contains nodes sets in TypeScript.

Project Structure

 ├──src/                             * source files of the node set
 │   ├──__tests__/                   * tests for the node set (test file names should match *.test.ts glob pattern)
 │   │   └──transform-text.test.ts   * tests for the transform-text node
 │   │
 │   └──nodes/                       * node set folder, where subfolder names = node types
 │       ├──shared/                  * folder for .ts files shared across multiple nodes in the node set
 │       │
 │       └──transform-text/          * source files of the transform-text node
 │           ├──icons/               * custom icons used by the node set in the editor
 │           │
 │           ├──modules/             * .ts modules for the runtime side (transform-text.js file) of the node
 │           │
 │           ├──shared/              * folder for .ts files shared between the runtime side (.js file) and the editor side (.html file) of the node
 │           │
 │           ├──transform-text.html/ * files for compiling and bundling into the editor side (transform-text.html file) of the node
 │           │   ├──modules/         * .ts modules
 │           │   ├──editor.html      * html template for the edit dialog
 │           │   ├──help.html        * html template for the help in the info tab
 │           │   └──index.ts         * entry file
 │           │
 |           └──transform-text.ts    * entry file for the runtime side (transform-text.js file) of the node
 ├──package.json                     * dependencies and node types for the Node-RED runtime to load
 ├──rollup.config.editor.json        * rollup config for building the editor side of the nodes
 ├──tsconfig.json                    * base typescript config, for the code editor
 ├──tsconfig.runtime.json            * config for creating a production build of the runtime side of the nodes
 └──tsconfig.runtime.watch.json      * config for watching and incremental building the runtime side of the nodes

Getting Started

  1. This project is designed to work with yarn. If you don't have yarn installed, you can install it with npm install -g yarn.
  2. Install dependencies: yarn install.

Adding Nodes

You can quickly scaffold a new node and add it to the node set. Use the following command to create my-new-node-type node:

yarn add-node my-new-node-type

The node generator is based on mustache templates. At the moment there are two templates available:

  • blank (used by default) - basic node for Node-RED >=1.0
  • blank-0 - node with a backward compatibility for running on Node-RED <1.0

To generate a node using a template called my-template, enter this command:

yarn add-node my-new-node-type my-template

To make your custom-made template available, add it to ./utils/templates/.

Developing Nodes

Build & Test in Watch mode:

yarn dev

Building Node Set

Create a production build:

yarn build

## Testing Node Set in Node-RED

[Read Node-RED docs](https://nodered.org/docs/creating-nodes/first-node#testing-your-node-in-node-red) on how to install the node set into your Node-RED runtime.

## License

MIT © Alex Kaul