1.5.3 • Published 26 days ago

changelog-tools v1.5.3

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26 days ago

Changelog Tools

This package provides changelog-oriented tools for use in CLI, Node and browser scripts.


  • Parse CHANGELOG.md files compatible with https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.1.0/ into JSON structure
  • Filter output based on semver range, or custom filter conditions
  • Combine multiple versions into a single structure, grouped by type of change (Added, Fixed etc.)
  • Compatible with both browser and node environments
  • Add new entries into changelog with CLI

The parsing algorithm was initially based on the changelog-parser package, but it was updated to provide a more object-oriented approach.



changelog-tools parse path-to-changelog.md

Parses the changelog and returns it in JSON format


--new-line-nAUTOAUTO\|LF\|CRLF\|CR - Define what should be newline character for output data. AUTO will try to detect the line endings from the document.
--consolidate-cfalseMerge multiple versions into one entry, groupiung the same ypes of changes together
--semver-s''filter versions by semver range syntax. E.g. -s '>=1.0.0'
--filter-fFilter entries based on provided statement. Use this to access version data. Statement needs to return a boolean. Example: -f 'this.version === "1.0.0"'


Parse changelog and output a JSON structure representing the document.
changelog-tools CHANGELOG.md
Find all versions in the changelog between 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 and group Added, Fixed etc entries together.
changelog-tools -cs '~1.0.0' CHANGELOG.md


changelog-tools add path-to-changelog.md -t 'Title of new version' [-o output file]

Adds a new version to the changelog.


--new-line-nAUTOAUTO\|LF\|CRLF\|CR - Define what should be newline character for output data. AUTO will try to detect the line endings from the document.
--title-t(Required) Title of the version to add (e.g. -t '1.0.0 (2020-01-01) - My Version Title')
--added-a## Added entries (e.g. -a 'new feature' -a 'new feature 2')
--changed-c## Changed entries (e.g. -c 'format 1' -c 'api description')
--deprecated-d## Deprecated entries (e.g. -d 'old feature' -d 'old feature 2').
--removed-r## Removed entries (e.g. -r 'old feature' -r 'old feature 2')
--fixed-f## Fixed entries (e.g. -f 'bug 1' -f 'bug 2')
--list-bullet-lCharacter to be used for list items (e.g. -l '*')
--output-ostdoutOutput file


Add a new version with a single 'Added' entry
changelog-tools add CHANGELOG.md -t 'v1.5.0 - 2022-01-01' -a 'New command `add`'

output on CLI:

# Changelog Tools

## v1.5.0 - 2022-01-01
### Added
- New command `add`

<!-- ... previous versions -->
Add a new version with a single 'Added' entry and save it to the same file as input
changelog-tools add CHANGELOG.md -t 'v1.5.0 - 2022-01-01' -a 'New command `add`' -o CHANGELOG.md

JavaScript (Node and browser)

Loading parser class


const { ChangelogParser } = require("changelog-tools");

ES Modules:

import { ChangelogParser } from "changelog-tools";

Creating parser

// Empty parser:
const changelogParser = new ChangelogParser();

// Parser with preloaded changelog text:
const changelogParser = new ChangelogParser({
  text: changelogContent


// If text was already preloaded
const changelog = changelogParser.parse();

// With new changelog content:
const changelog = changelogParser.parse(changelogContent);

.parse() method will return an instance of the Changelog class.

An example structure of this object can be seen below:

  "title": "Changelog title",
  "description": "This is a sample changelog",
  "versions": [
      "version": "1.1.0",
      "line": 4,
      "date": "2022-12-20",
      "title": "v1.1.0 - 2022-12-20",
      "parsed": {
        "_": ["Removed 1", "Changed 2"],
        "Removed": ["Removed 1"],
        "Changed": ["Changed 2"]
      "body": "### Removed \n\n- Removed 1\n\n### Changed\n\n-Changed 2"
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "line": 12,
      "date": "2022-12-12",
      "title": "v1.0.0 - 2022-12-12",
      "parsed": {
        "_": ["Added 1", "Changed 1"],
        "Added": ["Added 1"],
        "Changed": ["Changed 1"]
      "body": "### Added \n\n- Added 1\n\n### Changed\n\n-Changed 1"

Filtering results

const filteredChangelog = changelog.filter((v) => v.version === '1.0.0' || v.title.includes('Unversioned'))

.filter() method will also return an instance of the Changelog class.

Consolidate versions from the changelog

const changeSummary = changelog.consolidate();

This is best used to summarize all changes from multiple versions. E.g. the script below will gather all changes from versions 1.1.X.

const changeSummary = changelog.filter((v) => v.version.startsWith('1.1')).consolidate();

The result will be provided as an object like below:

  "Added": [
      "text": "Added 2",
      "version": "0.0.3"
      "text": "Added 1",
      "version": "0.0.1"
  "Removed": [
      "text": "Removed 1",
      "version": "0.0.2"


See the ./examples folder to check for examples of use cases.


26 days ago


26 days ago


26 days ago


26 days ago


1 month ago


1 month ago


1 month ago