1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago
check-os-spec v1.0.2
npm install check-os-spec
const checkOsSpec = require('check-os-spec');
Set Router
You can set router to search about OS spec by following command.
By inputting following URL, you can search your PC's specs as follows.
- http://localhost:5500/api/arch ----> shows architecture
- http://localhost:5500/api/cpus ----> shows cpus
- http://localhost:5500/api/ram ----> shows ram
- http://localhost:5500/api/diskspace ----> shows disk space
- http://localhost:5500/api/hostname ----> shows hostname
- http://localhost:5500/api/ipaddress ----> shows ip address
CLI command
To see spacs in CLI, you should execute function as below.
By inputting commands as follows on CLI, you can see specs as well.
- node yourapp.js -arch ----> shows architecture
- node yourapp.js -cpu ----> shows cpus
- node yourapp.js -ram----> shows ram
- node yourapp.js -hdd----> shows disk space
- node yourapp.js -hostname ----> shows hostname
- node yourapp.js -ip ----> shows ip address
Fortune telling
You can do fortune telling as bonus!! Execute below function first.
To have fortune told, type "love" or "work" or "money" as an argument on CLI. Results related with the word will be appeared on console of CLI.