3.10.6 • Published 4 years ago

checkit-webengine v3.10.6

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Last release
4 years ago

Checkit webengine

A Node.JS application designed to run on checkit hubs.


  • libmosquitto-dev

Environment variables

The application respects the following environment variables:

DATABASE_DIR - The absolute or relative directory of the nedb database

REPORT_DB_TTL - The time to live for a database report records in milliseconds. Records older than the creation time + ttl are deleted

WWW_DOC_ROOT - The directory from which to serve static files via http(s) WWW_HTTP_PORT - Listening port for HTTP websocket data. If defined as 443 use HTTPS WWW_HTTPS_PORT - Listening port for HTTP websocket data. (Set to zero to not use HTTPS) HUB_CERTIFICATE_PATH - Path to self signed certificates for HTTPS connections

LOG_PATH - Path to log LOG_LEVEL - The log level. numeric or info|error

ZIGBEE_TTY_DEVICE - The path to the unix tty device corresponding to the zigbee adapter (eg /dev/tty5) ZIGBEE_NCP_TYPE - Passed via the -n arg to the spawned IPC process. Should be 0 on a PC, 1 on a hub ZIGBEE_COORD_EXE - The path of the zigbee coordinator IPC binary

LEDS_ACTIVE - Defines whether the target platfor LEDs can be set. true for HUB false for PC

CRASH_LOG_PATH - The path to a file to log the stack-trace info generated by segfault-handler

MEM_WATCH=TRUE - Enables heap stats in the log file (level 3) after every garbage collection LEAK_DETECT=TRUE - Enables leak detection handling. Leak warnings are written to the log file (level 0) LEAK_RESTART_THRESHOLD=0 - Disables Restarting of the Hub Application on Leak detection LEAK_RESTART_THRESHOLD=3 - Enables Restarting of the Hub Application on Leak detection after 3 leaks BUILD_DEPENDENCIES - Either 'npm' or 'repo', pull in the dependencies for native-zigbee from either npm or repo RULE_SYNC_INTERVAL - the interval in ms at which to sync rules - Defaults to 3600000 (1 hour) ALERT_SYNC_INTERVAL - the interval in ms at which to sync rules - Defaults to 1200000 (20 minutes) HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL - the interval in ms at which to send the hub heartbeat - Defaults to 3600000 (1 hour) ZIGBEEDEVICE_DB_SYNC_INTERVAL - the interval in ms at which to synchronize zigbeeDevice updates from the cloud - Defaults to 3600000 (1 hour)

HUB_MQTT_CERT - Certificate path HUB_MQTT_USER - Default mqtt user name HUB_MQTT_PASS - Default mqtt password

HUB_MQTT_PEM_CERT - The cert.pem certificate. If this is not defined the system will read the file HUB_MQTT_CERT + '/cert.pem' HUB_MQTT_PEM_KEY - The key.pem certificate. If this is not defined the system will read the file HUB_MQTT_CERT + '/key.pem' HUB_MQTT_PEM_CACHAIN - The cachain.pem certificate. If this is not defined the system will read the file HUB_MQTT_CERT + '/cachain.pem'

REGISTRATION_SERVER - The path to the details for the registration server JSON file SERIAL_NUMBER - The IFS number of the hub (required for registration)

HUB_BRUTEFORCE_WINDOWMS - Brute force attack window in milliseconds (default 15 minutes) HUB_BRUTEFORCE_MAX - Brute force attack limit. Limit each IP to x requests per windowsMs (default 100) HUB_BRUTEFORCE_DELAYMS - Brute force attack delay. 0 => Disable delaying - ie. full speed until limit is reached. If none zero slow down subsequent responses by x milli-seconds per request (default is zero - no delay)

See checkit-hub-log for details on setting log levels.

Running on Ubuntu/Linux

You will need to run as root or add your user to the dialout group eg

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER