0.0.1 • Published 9 months ago

chicmic_utilities v0.0.1

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9 months ago


Here's an overview of each function:

  1. objectToFormData(data): This function converts a JavaScript object into FormData format. It appends each key-value pair from the object to a FormData instance. If a value is an array, it's stringified before appending.

  2. timeAgo(created_at): This function calculates the time elapsed between a given created_at timestamp and the current time. It returns a string indicating how long ago the timestamp was, using different time units like seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

  3. splice(state, element): This function removes a specified element from an array by creating a new array without that element.

  4. TruncateString(str, length, maxCharacter): This function truncates a given string to a specified length and appends ellipsis ("...") if the string is longer than the specified length.

  5. firstCharacter(str, maxCharacter, defaultCharacter): This function returns the first characters of a string up to a specified length. If the string is shorter than the specified length, a default character is returned.

  6. jsonParse(res): This function attempts to parse a string as JSON. If the input is not a string, it returns the input as is.

  7. htmlToText(html): This function converts HTML content into plain text by creating a temporary HTML element and extracting its inner text.

  8. mobileDevice(): This function determines whether the user's device is a mobile device or a desktop device based on the user agent string. It returns a string indicating the device type.

  9. convertToPrice(res): This function converts a price string to a formatted price string with commas.

  10. AmountToFixed(amount, decimalDigits): This function converts an amount to a string representation with a fixed number of decimal digits. If the amount is an integer, it's returned as a string without decimal places.

  11. throttle(func, delay): This is a throttle function that limits the rate at which a given function can be executed, ensuring it's called at most once within a specified time interval.

  12. formatToLocalTimeZone(date, format, timeZone): This function converts a given date and time to the specified time zone and format using the moment-timezone library.


9 months ago


9 months ago