0.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

chris-staking-lib2 v0.0.2

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4 years ago

Tokamak Network Staking Library


The current seigniorage per block in SeigManager is 3.92. All number units in this library uses RAY (1e27) to prevent number errors.

Related Contracts

To get the information about related contracts, refer to Deployed Contracts on Mainnet page.


First, add tokamak-staking-lib as a dependency in package.json file.

"dependencies": {
  "tokamak-staking-lib": "^0.0.7",

Then, install the package to your local directory.

$ npm install


Calculate Seigniorage

First, import the seigniorage calculator modules from tokamak-staking-lib in your source code.

const { calculateExpectedSeig, calculateExpectedSeigWithCommission } = require("tokamak-staking-lib");


This function calculates the expected seigniorate.

function calculateExpectedSeig(
  fromBlockNumber: BN, // the latest commited block number. You can get this using seigManager.lastCommitBlock(layer2)
  toBlockNumber: BN, // the target block number which you want to calculate seigniorage
  userStakedAmount: BN, // the staked WTON amount of user. You can get this using coinage.balanceOf(user)
  totalStakedAmount: BN, // the staked WTON amount in SeigManager. You can get this using tot.totalSupply()
  totalSupplyOfTON: BN, // the current totalSupply of TON in RAY unit. You can get this using ton.totalSupply() - ton.balanceOf(WTON) + tot.totalSupply()
  pseigRate: BN // pseig rate in RAY unit. the current value is 0.4. You can get this using seigManager.relativeSeigRate()


This function calculates the expected seigniorage with commission.

function calculateExpectedSeigWithCommission(
  fromBlockNumber: BN, // the latest commited block number. You can get this using seigManager.lastCommitBlock(layer2)
  toBlockNumber: BN, // the target block number which you want to calculate seigniorage
  userStakedAmount: BN, // the staked WTON amount of user. You can get this using coinage.balanceOf(user)
  totalStakedAmount: BN, // the staked WTON amount in SeigManager. You can get this using tot.totalSupply()
  totalSupplyOfTON: BN, // the current totalSupply of TON in RAY unit. You can get this using ton.totalSupply() - ton.balanceOf(WTON) + tot.totalSupply()
  pseigRate: BN, // pseig rate in RAY unit. the current value is 0.4. You can get this using seigManager.relativeSeigRate()
  commissionRate: BN, // The commission rate of the current layer2. You can get this using seigManager.commissionRates(layer2)
  isCommissionRateNegative: boolean, // Whether the commission rate of the current layer2 is negative. You can get this using seigManager.isCommissionRateNegative(layer2)
  operatorStakedAmount: BN, // operator's staking amount. You can get this using coinage.balanceOf(operator)
  totalStakedAmountOnLayer2: BN, // The total amount in the current layer2. You can get this using coinage.totalSupply()
  isOperator: boolean // Whether the user you want to calculate the seig is operator.


If you want to use the Calculator class instead of the functions above. Please refer to seigniorage-calculator.test.ts > Calculator test code.

Set Network

You need to set network before calling query functions below. Otherwise, the default network will be mainnet. Currently, mainnet and rinkeby are supported.

const { setNetwork } = require("tokamak-staking-lib");

setNetwork("mainnet"); // mainnet or rinkeby

Query Layer2 Registry Info

First, import the layer2 registry modules from tokamak-staking-lib in your source code.

const { getNumLayer2, getLayer2ByIndex, isLayer2 } = require("tokamak-staking-lib");


This function gets the number of layer2.

function getNumLayer2(): Promise<string>


This function gets the layer2 address by index.

function getLayer2ByIndex(index: number): Promise<string>


This function checks if the given address is layer2.

function isLayer2(layer2: string): Promise<boolean>

Query Staking Info

First, import the staking modules from tokamak-staking-lib in your source code.

const { getStakedAmount } = require("tokamak-staking-lib");


This function gets the staked amount by layer2 and account.

function getStakedAmount(layer2: string, account: string): Promise<string>


This function gets the total staked amount by account.

async function getTotalStakedAmount(account: string): Promise<string>

Example Code

To get the example code, look into the test code pages below.