2.0.0 • Published 8 years ago
chutils v2.0.0
Ever find yourself feeling repetitive, a bit of the coding déjà blues? While your mind may be momentarily suffering from a relapse, your fingers don't have to with these utility function designed to win back some "me" time.
Utility List (thus far)
- shouldBe: get the "working" variable type (Thanks to Angus )
const { type: { shouldBe } } = require('chutils')
typeof null // "object"
shouldBe(null) // "null"
typeof [] // "object"
shouldBe([]) // "array"
typeof new Promise(success=>{},error=>{}) // "object"
shouldBe new Promise(success=>{},error=>{}) // "promise"
- assign: safely assign deeply-nested properties
const { safe: { assign } } = require('chutils')
let obj = { package: 'chutils'}
obj = assign(obj, 'deeply.nested.layer', 'hi');
obj = {
package: 'chutils',
deeply: {
nested: {
layer: 'hi'
- get: safely get deeply-nested properties
const { safe: { get } } = require('chutils')
const obj = {
package: 'chutils',
deeply: {
nested: {
layer: 'hi'
get(obj,'deeply.nested.layer') // 'hi'
// even with different object notations
get(obj,'deeply["nested"].layer') // 'hi'
// no more TypeError accessing properties of undefined
obj.imaginary.layer // TypeError: Cannot read property 'imaginary' of undefined
get(obj,'imaginary.layer') // undefined
- value: safely compare deeply-nested property value (strict comparision)
const { compare: { value } } = require('chutils')
const obj = {
package: 'chutils',
deeply: {
nested: {
layer: 'hi'
value(obj,'deeply.nested.layer','hi') // true
// even with different object notations
value(obj,'deeply["nested"].layer', 'hi') // true
// no more TypeError accessing properties of undefined
obj.imaginary.layer // TypeError: Cannot read property 'imaginary' of undefined
value(obj,'imaginary.layer', 'exist') // false
- shouldBe: safely compare deeply-nested property value to it's type.shouldBe value
const { compare: { shouldBe } } = require('chutils')
const obj = {
package: 'chutils',
deeply: {
nested: {
layer: 'hi',
arr: [1,2,3]
promiseObj: Promise.resolve()
shouldBe(obj, 'deeply.nested["arr"]','array') // true
shouldBe(obj, 'promiseObj', 'promise') // true
- dePromisify: unwraps an ES6 Promise to its nostalgic error-first callback form
const { async: { dePromisify } } = require('chutils')
const bluebird = require('bluebird')
const fs = require('fs')
const readFileAsync = bluebird.promisify(fs.readFile)
const readFileCB = dePromisify(readFileAsync)
readFileCB('someText.txt', function(err,data){
if(err) err
else console.log(data) // some data here
- dePromisifyAll: iterates through an object's enumerable properties and dePromisifies the functions
const { async: { dePromisifyAll } } = require('chutils')
const bluebird = require('bluebird')
let fs = bluebird.promisifyAll(require('fs'))
fs = dePromisifyAll(fs)
fs.readFileCB('someText.txt', function(err,data){
if(err) err
else console.log(data) // some data here
- promisify: wraps an error-first callback function into an ES6 Promise
const { async: { promisify } } = require('chutils')
const fs = require('fs')
const readFileAsync = promisify(fs.readFile)
console.log(data) // some data here
- promisifyAll: iterates through an object's enumerable properties and promisifies the functions
const { async: { promisifyAll } } = require('chutils')
const fs = promisifyAll(require('fs'))
console.log(data) // some data here
Native ES6 Promises is required therefore Node v4.2.4+
$ npm i chutils
$ npm i chutils
$ cd ./node_modules/chutils
$ npm i
$ npm run test