0.5.0 • Published 5 years ago

ci-tools v0.5.0

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Last release
5 years ago


This command line tool helps developers to create and publish artifacts in easy and automated way.


  • node.js 8+
  • npm 5+
  • git cli
  • docker cli
  • helm cli


npm install ci-tools --save-dev


This cli requires the package.json file in the current working directory. There are three additional properties:

  • bundle.registry - HTTP repository, where bundle will be pushed using a PUT request
  • docker.registry - Docker repository, where images will be pushed
  • helmCharts.registry - raw helm repository, where charts will be pushed

Sample snippet of the package.json file:

  "name": "kibana",
  "version": "1.2.3-SNAPSHOT",
  "scripts": {
    "bundle-create": "ci-tools bundle-create .",
    "bundle-push": "ci-tools bundle-push",
    "docker-build": "ci-tools docker-build .",
    "docker-push": "ci-tools docker-push",
    "helm-charts-build": "ci-tools helm-charts-build --source ./charts",
    "helm-charts-push": "ci-tools helm-charts-push"
  "bundle": {
    "registry": "https://some.nexus.example.com/repository/bundles"
  "docker": {
    "registry": "library"
  "helmCharts": {
    "registry": "https://some.nexus.example.com/repository/helm/charts"


A stable version is considered when it does not end with the -SNAPSHOT fragment. Therefore an unstable version is considered when it ends with the -SNAPSHOT fragment.

Docker tags

A stable versions eg. 1.2.3 will create the following tags for docker image: stable, latest,1.2.3, 1.2, 1.

An unstable versions eg. 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT will create the following tags for docker image: unstable, 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT, 1.2.3-g0a51d42, where 0a51d42 is a short commit hash.

Helm charts version

An unstable versions eg. 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT will create a chart with the following version: 1.2.3-g0a51d42, where 0a51d42 is a short commit hash.

Bundle version

The bundles are versioned in the same way as the version in the package.json file.


ci-tools docker-build <path>

Builds an image from a Dockerfile. Where <path> is a path where the Dockerfile file resides. Additionally, two environment variable are accessible in the Dockerfile during build-time:

  • PKG_NAME - the name property from the package.json file
  • PKG_VERSION - the version property from the package.json file


  • -r, --registry [registry] - The docker registry url
  • -n, --name [name] - The docker image name (default: pkg.name)
  • -v, --version [version] - The docker image version (default: pkg.version)
  • -t, --tag [tags] - An image tags if different than in versioning convention
  • --build-arg [list] - Sets additional build-time variables. Example: --build-arg ARG1=foo --build-arg ARG2=bar. (default: [])

ci-tools docker-push

Pushes an image to a registry.


  • -r, --registry [registry] - The docker registry url. (default: pkg.docker.registry)
  • -n, --name [name] - The docker image name (default: pkg.name)
  • -v, --version [version] - The docker image version (default: pkg.version)
  • -t, --tag [tags] - An image tags if different than in versioning convention
  • -o, --noOverwrite [regex] - A regex pattern that determines when to not overwrite tags in the registry (default: ^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$)
  • -u, --username [username] - The username for the registry
  • -p, --password [password] - The password for the registry

ci-tools helm-charts-build

Builds all charts from the specified directory, places them in the ./charts-output directory and generates a repo index.


  • -s, --source [source] - A directory with chart sources. It can either be a directory with a single Charts.yaml file or with subdirectories defining multiple charts (default: .)
  • -o, --output [output] - A directory chart packages should be produced in (default: charts-output)
  • -v, --version [version] - A chart version if different than set the version in package.json (default: pkg.version)
  • --appVersion [appVersion] - An appVersion if different than set the version in package.json (default: pkg.version)

ci-tools helm-charts-push

Pushes all charts from the ./charts-output directory to a raw registry specified in the package.json file.


  • -c, --chartsDir [chartsDir] - A directory containing built charts packages. Default: charts-output.
  • -r, --registry [registry] - The helm charts registry url. (default: pkg.helmCharts.registry)
  • -u, --username [username] - The username for the Helm charts registry.
  • -p, --password [password] - The password for the Helm charts registry.

ci-tools bundle-create <path>

Bundles a directory to zip archive. Where <path> is a path to directory that should be bundled. The bundle will be created in the current working directory with the following name: [name]-[version].zip.


  • -n, --name [name] - The bundle name (default: pkg.name)
  • -v, --version [version] - A suffix that will be added to bundle name. Default is a version form the package.json file. (default: pkg.version)
  • -d, --destination [destination] - A directory where bundle will be generated. (default: .)

ci-tools bundle-push

Pushes a bundle to a registry.


  • -n, --name [name] - The bundle name (default: pkg.name)
  • -v, --version [version] - A suffix that will be added to bundle name. Default is a version form the package.json file. (default: pkg.version)
  • -d, --dir [dir] - A directory where a bundle resides. (default: .)
  • -u, --username [username] - The username for the HTTP registry.
  • -p, --password [password] - The password for the HTTP registry.
  • -r, --registry [registry] - The HTTP registry url. (default: pkg.bundle.registry)

ci-tools file-push

Pushes a file to a registry


  • -n, --name [name] - The file name. (default: pkg.name)
  • -s, --dir [dir] - A directory where a file resides. (default: .)
  • -u, --username [username] - The username for the HTTP registry.
  • -p, --password [password] - The password for the HTTP registry.
  • -r, --registry [registry] - The HTTP registry url. (default: pkg.bundle.registry)

5 years ago


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