1.5.1 • Published 4 years ago

cirplus-frontend v1.5.1

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago


Required applications

Please make sure the following applications are installed in your system

  • node => 10.15.3
  • yarn => 1.16.0


NPM Setup

  • Copy the npm token from 1password named as NPM publish token
  • If you are using bash shell:
    • open ~/.profile (Create if not exist)
    • Enter the following lines with the proper npm token
export NPM_TOKEN="your npm token"
  • If you are using fish shell:
    • Open ~/.config/fish/config.fish file (create if not exist)
    • Enter the following lines with the proper npm token
set -x NPM_TOKEN your npm token

Install the modules


Create the development config file

  1. Run the following command
cp config/development.example.js config/development.js
  1. Replace the apiSecret with the one you used for koalaApi in the backend project.

Run the application

yarn dev


  1. Create an AWS creadentials file (skip this step if you did it before)
    open a file editor and enter the following information
region = eu-central-1

aws_access_key_id = Your access ID for staging
aws_secret_access_key = Your access key for staging
region = eu-central-1

aws_access_key_id = Your access ID for staging
aws_secret_access_key = Your access key for staging
region = eu-central-1

# You can skip the production section if you don't have access
aws_access_key_id = Your access ID for production
aws_secret_access_key = your access key for production
region = eu-central-1
  1. Save as ~/.aws/credentials
  2. Deploy the application to the selected environment
# yarn ci deploy koala [staging|beta|production]
yarn ci deploy koala staging
  1. That's it! 🚀