0.1.1 • Published 12 months ago
citruslight v0.1.1
Citrus light
ES2015 module for shining spotlight on UI element.
typo in gif, but whatever
// script.js
import { citruslight } from 'citruslight'
(() => {
// get a reference to the target DOM element
const el = document.getElementById('important-element')
// highlight the said element
const dismissCb = citruslight(el)
// dismiss the highlight after 2s
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000)
<!-- index.html -->
<!-- truncated for brevity -->
<span id="important-element">hello world</span>
<i id="other-things">Other things</i>
<script type="module" src="script.js"></script>
<!-- truncated for brevity -->
In console
To use/import in console/non module script:
import('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/citruslight@latest/citruslight.js').then(m => {
const { citruslight } = m
const el = document.getElementById('important-element')
const dismissCb = citruslight(el)
Dismiss on click
import { citruslight } from 'citruslight'
(() => {
let cb
// get a reference to the target DOM element
const el = document.getElementById('important-element')
// highlight the said element
cb = citruslight(el, {
eventHandlers: [{
name: 'click',
handler: () => {
if (cb) cb()
Custom width/height
import { citruslight } from 'citruslight'
(() => {
// get a reference to the target DOM element
const el = document.getElementById('important-element')
// highlight the said element with width 50px height 50px
citruslight(el, {
width: 50, // px
height: 50, // px
Custom location
import { citruslight } from 'citruslight'
(() => {
// highlight the said element with width 50px height 50px
citruslight(null, {
center: {
x: 150,
y: 150,
width: 50, // px
height: 50, // px
$ git clone https://github.com/xgui3783/citruslight.git && cd citruslight
$ npx http-server