cl3-af v1.0.0
With this SDK, including affiliate marketing into your application is simple and clear.
Get started
npm i cl3-affilink
All of the prerequisites required to use this SDK are installed by this command.
Initializing Constructor
The provider(window) is necessary to initialize the constructor.
const cl3 = new CL3(window, walletAddress)
Create an instance for a class by using the above line of code. Later, the functions included in the SDK will be called using this instance.
Deploy Contracts
- Contract deployment is made possible by this feature.
Uint8Array(obtained by converting wasm file to buffer and then buffer to an Uint8Array)
Parameters required for contract deployment
Any string that specifies the contract
Source code
const response = await cl3.deploy(wasmCode, instantiateMsg, lebel)
- Contract address.
Add Subscription Plans
- Here the admin can add as many plans as he wants.
- The administrator cannot add an identical plan that was already in existence.
- Plan addition is restricted to admins only.
The name of the necessary subscription plan to add
The cost of the appropriate plan
Contract address of cl3-contract
Source Code
const response = await cl3.addPlan(planName, price, cl3ContractAddress)
Add Referral
- Here the referral can be joined to the network.
- While joining, the referral is restricted by 3 conditions.
- Referral can’t be an invalid address.
- Referral can’t be his own referrer.
- Referral can’t be one of the referrer's up lines.
- Once these three conditions pass then the users can be joined to the MLM network under their referrer’s first level(immediate level).
- After the referral joins, our contract will automatically update the presence of the newly joined referral to all the upline members of his immediate parent(the person who referred him).
Referrer address
wallet address of the person who referred the user.
Contract address of cl3-contract
Source Code
const response = await cl3.addReferral(referrer, cl3ContractAddress)
Pay Referral
- Depending on the organization's needs, this function will carry one of the following two actions.
- If the organization wants to send reward to the immediate person alone, then the referral should send a certain proportion of the total amount in tokens to the person who referred him. The admin account will receive the tokens that are left over.
- If the organization wants to send reward upto the certain level, Users of the MLM network have to pay commission to the immediate referrer and as well as to the upline members of the network up to the level set by the organization. The admin account will receive the tokens that are left over.
- The referral must have sufficient tokens to unlock the subscription plan at the time of payment. If not then the user has to buy tokens.
Plan name of the particular subscription plan to which the user would like to subscribe
Contract address of cl3-contract
Source Code
const response = await cl3.payReferral(planName, cl3ContractAddress)
Buy Tokens:
- Users can buy tokens here by sending the native currency of the blockchain needed to join the MLM network.
- Once the transaction of native blockchain currency is successful then the tokens will be transferred from the treasury account to the referral who requested tokens
Amount needed to buy the tokens
Contract address of cl3-contract
Source Code
const response = await cl3.buyTokens(amount, cl3ContractAddress)
Get referral detail
- This will return one particular user's detail.
Wallet Address
wallet address of the user
Contract address of cl3-contract
Source Code
const response = await cl3.getReferralDetail(walletAddress, cl3ContractAddress)
Get all referral details
- This will return all the referral details.
Contract address of cl3-contract
Source Code
const response = await cl3.getAllReferralDetail(cl3ContractAddress)
View Plan
- The administrator can get the available subscription plan details
Name of the specific plan for which information is needed
Contract address of cl3-contract
Source Code
const response = await cl3.getPlanDetail(planName, cl3ContractAddress)
-The plan information, including the name and cost of the plan.
View All Plans
- The administrator can retrieve all the available subscription plan details at once.
Contract address of cl3-contract
Source Code
const response = await cl3.getAllPlanDetails(cl3ContractAddress)
Check Payment Status
- Can verify whether a user has made a payment or not.
The wallet address of the user has to be verified.
Contract address of cl3-contract
Source Code
const response = await cl3.getPaymentStatus(walletAddress, cl3ContractAddress)
- Payment status would be returned as true if the user paid, otherwise false.
- If the user made a successful payment, it will also return the name of the paid subscription plan.
Get Level Detail
- This will provide level-specific information about a specific referral.
Level count
level count of a specific level which details are trying to obtain.
Wallet Address
wallet address of the user
Contract address of cl3-contract
Source Code
const response = await cl3.getLevelDetail(walletAddress, levelCount, cl3ContractAddress)
Set Allowance
- Users must authorize the contract before transferring tokens from their accounts to other users/admins.
- This functionality enables the user to determine an allowance.
The address of the contract which transfers the tokens from the user to the recipient
Amount The number of tokens that need to transfer to the recipient
Contract address of token-contract
Source Code
const response = await cl3.setAllowance(spender, amount, tokenContractAddress)
- Used to check how much allowance is provided by the owner to the spender.
wallet address of the user
wallet address of the spender
Contract address of token-contract
Source Code
const response = await cl3.allowance(owner, spender, tokenContractAddress)
- Returns how much tokens the spender can use from the owner's account.
2 years ago