1.0.9 • Published 10 years ago

clapper v1.0.9

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10 years ago

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clapper is a third-party access control plugin for hapi. clapper uses and registers bell, hapi-auth-cookie, and hapi-require-https plugins.

clapper is intended to be the only plugin you need to get simple OAuth authentication and access control working for your application.

Lead Maintainer: Ho-Fan Kang


clapper was designed to be fully functional via configuration.

clapper works by adding a global pre-handler on all incoming server requests. This handler function is used to determine whether or not the user can proceed by examining their access rights and the route's access pre-requisites.

var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();

server.connection({ port: 8000 });

// Register clapper with the server.
// This example adds facebook as one of the login providers.
    register: require('clapper'),
    options: {                      // plugin options are mandatory
      defaultRights: {
        anonymous: { canHazCheezburger: false },
        authenticated: { canHazCheezburger: true }
      cookie: {                     // hapi-auth-cookie strategy options here
        password: COOKIE_PASSWORD,
        isSecure: false
      logins: [ {
          displayName: 'Facebook',
          routeName: 'facebook',    // clapper will create a route at '/auth/facebook'
          bellProvider: {           // related bell strategy options here
            provider: 'facebook',
            password: COOKIE_PASSWORD,
            clientId: FACEBOOK_APP_ID,
            clientSecret: FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET,
            isSecure: false,
            forceHttps: false
      } ]
function (err) {

  // Declare a route that requires the user to have the 'canHazCheezburger' right.
  // If the user does not have the right, they will be redirected to the error view.
  // If the user does have the right, the route handler function will be executed.
    path: '/',
    method: 'GET',
    config: {
      plugins: {
        clapper: {
          canHazCheezburger: true
    handler: function (request, reply) {
      return reply('I can haz cheezburger!');

  // Start the server.
  // To test, please access:
  // 1. http://localhost:8000/              - confirm error page.
  // 2. http://localhost:8000/auth/facebook - login.
  // 3. http://localhost:8000/              - confirm cheezburger.


clapper requires the following plugin configuration options:

  • defaultRights - an object containing the following:
    • anonymous - an object containing boolean properties representing an anonymous user's rights granted by default.
    • authenticated - an object containing boolean properties representing an authenticated user's rights granted by default.
  • cookie - an object containing the hapi-auth-cookie strategy options used by clapper
  • logins - an array containing at least one instance of the object defined below:
    • displayName - a string representing the name of the authentication provider as displayed to the user
    • routeName - a unique string representing the name of the route to be created by clapper for authentication with the specified OAuth provider
    • bellProvider - an object containing the bell authentication strategy options used by clapper
    • additionalRights - optional an object containing boolean properties representing additional rights granted to any authenticated users using this specific authentication provider
    • plugins - optional an array of objects where each one is either:
      • a plugin registration function
      • an object with the following:
        • register - a hapi plugin registration function.
        • options - optional options passed to the registration function when called.

10 years ago


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10 years ago


10 years ago