1.0.1 • Published 7 years ago
clashroyale v1.0.1
Clash Royale
A simple to use module for interacting with the Clash Royale API.
$ npm install clashroyale
How to
// require the package
const cr = require('clashroyale');
cr.getProfile('2J8U0PRJ').then(profile => console.log(profile));
cr.getClan('C9YC9U').then(clan => console.log(clan));
- Both methods have the option of getting multiple profiles/clans by adding extra parameters.
Example Response
"name": "Reddit Alpha",
"badge": {
"url": "/badge/A_Char_Rocket_02.png",
"filename": "A_Char_Rocket_02.png",
"key": "A_Char_Rocket_02"
"type": 2,
"memberCount": 45,
"score": 50796,
"requiredScore": 4600,
"donations": 22640,
"currentRank": 0,
"description": "Minimum 5100 🏆to join. When full, #50/50 sent to Reddit Bravo #2U2GGQJ 🚀http://discord.gg/RACF 🚀http://twitch.tv/woody",
"tag": "2CCCP",
"typeName": "Invite Only",
"region": {
"id": 57000172,
"isCountry": true,
"key": "NU",
"name": "Niue"
"clanChest": {
"clanChestCrowns": 813,
"clanChestCrownsPercent": 50.81,
"clanChestCrownsRequired": 1600
"members": [