0.1.2 • Published 2 years ago

class-based-react-hooks v0.1.2

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2 years ago

Class-Based React Hooks

Create React hooks using classes - with hookDidMount, hookWillUpdate, etc.


See demos on CodeSandbox.


// Import these.
import { ReactHook, createHook } from 'class-based-react-hooks';

// Define the type of the arguments of your hook.
type Args = [number];

// Define the type of the state of your hook.
type State = {
	num: number;

// Define the return type of your hook.
type Return = {
	num: number;
	increment: (by?: number) => void;
	reset: () => void;

// Start defining the class. Use the types we defined above as generic arguments for `ReactHook`.
class UseCounter extends ReactHook<Args, State, Return> {
	// Make your constructor. It must take Args as argument.
	constructor(args: Args) {
		// For React components you would do this.state = {...}.
		// Here, you pass the state to super.
		super(args, {
			num: args[0],
	// render() must return the hook's return type.
	render(): Return {
		return {
			num: this.state.num,
			increment: this.increment,
			reset: this.reset,
	increment = (by: number = 1) => {
		// setState will update the hook's state and schedule a rerender.
			num: this.state.num + by,
	reset = () => {
			num: this.args[0],

// Use createHook to turn your class into a hook.
const useCounter = createHook(UseCounter);

// Now use the hook you just created.
function Counter() {
	const {num, increment, reset} = useCounter(1);
	return (
			<button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>
			<button onClick={reset}>Reset</button>


The main idea of this is similar to useSWR, but with only the most basic features implemented.

  • It is faster!! SWR starts data fetching after the component has mounted (or updated). MiniSWR starts immediately as it renders. 🔥🔥🔥
  • I find this class-based implementation much easier to reason about.
import { createHook, ReactHook } from 'class-based-react-hooks';

// Takes a key and a fetcher function.
// You always need to provide a fetcher, unlike with SWR where `fetch` is used by default.
type Args<Data, Key> = [Key, (key: Key) => Promise<Data>];
type State<Data> = {
	data: Data | undefined;
	error: unknown | undefined;
type Returns<Data> = {
	data: Data | undefined;
	error: unknown | undefined;
	isValidating: boolean;
	mutate: (newData?: Data, shouldRevalidate?: boolean) => void;

class UseMiniSWR<Data, Key> extends ReactHook<
	Args<Data, Key>,
> {
	constructor(args: Args<Data, Key>) {
		// Initial state: both data and error is undefined.
		super(args, {
			data: undefined,
			error: undefined,
	// A RequestId to keep track of the latest request (and avoid concurrency bugs).
	_lastRequestId: number = 1;
	// Whether or not the latest request is still pending.
	_isRequestActive: boolean = false;
	// This will be run when the key changes, or when mutate is called.
	_fetchData = async (key: Key) => {
		const requestId = ++this._lastRequestId;
		// _isRequestActive is a field (not inside this.state)
		// because _fetchData is called from hookWillMount, hookWillUpdate, and _mutate,
		// and all three of those guarantee that a render will follow anyway.
		this._isRequestActive = true;
		const update: Partial<State<Data>> = {};
		try {
			const data = await this.args[1](key);
			update.data = data;
			update.error = undefined;
		} catch (error) {
			update.error = error;
		if (this._lastRequestId === requestId) {
			// Here, too, a render is scheduled (by setState) after _isRequestActive is changed.
			this._isRequestActive = false;
	hookWillMount(): void {
		// Start fetching the data as soon a we can!
	hookWillUpdate(nextArgs: Args<Data, Key>, nextState: State<Data>): void {
		if (nextArgs[0] !== this.args[0]) {
	_mutate = (newData?: Data, shouldRevalidate: boolean = true) => {
		const update: Partial<State<Data>> = {};
		if (newData) {
			update.data = newData;
		if (shouldRevalidate) {
	render(): Returns<Data> {
		return {
			data: this.state.data,
			error: this.state.error,
			isValidating: this._isRequestActive,
			mutate: this._mutate,
const useMiniSWR = createHook(UseMiniSWR);

async function fetcher(uri: string): Promise<string> {
	const resp = await fetch(uri);
	return await resp.text();
function MyComponent() {
	const {data, mutate, isValidating} = useMiniSWR("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wishawa/class-based-react-hooks/main/README.md", fetcher);
	return (
			{isValidating && <span>Loading...</span>}
			{!!data && <span>{data}</span>}
			<button onClick={() => mutate()}>refresh</button>


This library is typed with TypeScript. Usage with TypeScript is strongly recommended.


ReactHook tries to mimick React.Component's API where applicable. Below is the definition for ReactHook with documentation comments.

/// ReactHook is the class you have to extend to create a hook.
/// It has 3 generic arguments:
/// - `Args`: The arguments that the hook receives. Think of this as the props of `React.Component`.
///	Examples: `[number] -> useHook(42)`, `[string, typeof someObj] -> useHook("asdf", someObj)`.
/// - `State`: The state of the hook. This is like the state of a `React.Component`. It must be an object.
/// - `Return`: What this hook returns.
abstract class ReactHook<Args extends any[], State extends {}, Return> {
	/// The constructor takes the `Args` and an initial `State`.
	/// This is ❗different❗ from `React.Component`'s constructor, which takes only the props.
	/// So in your inherited class, instead of doing `super(args); this.state = {...};`,
	/// you should do `super(args, {...});`.
	constructor(args: Args, state: State) {
		// Omitted

	/// You can access the hook's state through `this.state`.
	/// You should not try to modify it directly. Use `this.setState`.
	protected state: State;

	/// You can access the hook's args through `this.args`.
	protected args: Args;

	/// This method must be defined by the subclass. It must returns the `Return` type.
	/// Usually, this method would return things from `this.state` or `this.args`.
	/// This is called every time the component containing this hook renders.
	protected abstract render(): Return;

	/// Called just before the first `render()`.
	/// At this point `this.state` and `this.args` are already available.
	protected hookWillMount(): void {}

	/// Called after the first `render()` is all finished - the same time as `componentDidMount`.
	protected hookDidMount(): void; {}
	/// Called just before `render()`. Not called for the first render.
	/// This method is called even if the args and state remains the same so you must perform comparison yourself.
	/// At this point `this.args` and `this.state` are the args and state from the previous render -
	/// `nextArgs` and `nextState` are those of the upcoming render.
	protected hookWillUpdate(nextArgs: Args, nextState: State): void {}

	/// Called after `render()` is all finished - the same time as `componentDidUpdate`. Not called for the first render.
	/// This method is called even if the args and state remains the same so you must perform comparison yourself.
	protected hookDidUpdate(prevArgs: Args, prevState: State): void {}

	/// Called just before the component unmounts.
	protected hookWillUnmount(): void {}

	/// Called before every `render()`, after `hookWillMount` / `hookWillUpdate`.
	/// This should be a pure function.
	protected getDerivedStateFromArgs(
		this: {},
		nextArgs: Args,
		prevState: State
	): null | Partial<State> {
		return null;

	/// Schedule the component containing this hook to rerender.
	/// A callback can be provided to be run after that render is finished.
	protected forceUpdate(callback?: Callback) {
		// Omitted
	/// Update the state of the hook. Takes a partial state and merge it into the new state.
	/// State update is scheduled and not immediately reflected in `this.state`, just like in `React.Component`.
	/// A callback can be provided to be run after that update is rendered.
	protected setState(update: Partial<State>, callback?: Callback) {
		// Omitted


The createHook function takes a class (the class itself, not an instance) that

  • Extends ReactHook<Args, State, Return>.
  • Has constructor signature constructor(args: Args).

It returns a hook function. The returned hook has signature (...args: Args) => Return.


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago