1.0.0 • Published 1 year ago
class-list-joiner v1.0.0
A string joiner that can unlock the ability to use react-like frameworks multiple classes on a single element without extra work
$npm i class-list-joiner --save
import ClassList from 'class-list-joiner';
import style from './styles.module.css';
return (
<div className={ClassList(style.componentContainer,isBoldFont?style.bold:null)}>
by this code in react and false parameter for the isBold
variable you will get this output :
<div class="moduleName_componentContainer__RZdcq">
by passing a null or empty string they will filter and the rest will join and create endpoint class string.
It is not a complicated or big package but it is a simple function with the simplest implementation that could but it may be helpful for you.
Thanks and if you liked it please let your friends know about it.
1 year ago