0.1.4 • Published 11 months ago

class-mixins v0.1.4

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11 months ago

Class Mixins

JavaScript is a single-inheritance language, unlike other languages that can inherit from multiple base classes, it keeps programming simple and easy to understand. But sometimes, when we need to implement some methods that are standalone from the main class, defining a middle class is just painful. In this case, PHP introduces a mechanism called trait to solve the problem. And in JavaScript, we have mixin.


npm i class-mixins

In Deno

Just import this package directly:

import { mix, mixin, Mixed } from "https://deno.land/x/class_mixins/index.ts";
// Or
import { mix, mixin, Mixed } from "https://github.com/ayonli/class-mixins/raw/master/index.ts";


import { mix, mixin, Mixed } from "class-mixins";

class Mixin1 {
    show(str) {

class Main1 {
    // the class `Main1` now will have the method `show`

class Main2 { }
mixin(Main2, Mixin1); // class `Main2` will also have the method `show`

class Base1 {
    show() { }

class Main3 extends Mixed(Base1, Mixin1) {
    // Main3 will inherit `show` from `Base1`, and ignore the one comes from `Mixin1`

class Base2 {
    display() {}

class Main4 extends Mixed(Base2, Mixin1) {
    // Main4 will inherit `display` from `Base1` and mix `show` from `Mixin1`


mixin(ctor: Function, ...mixins: (object | Function)[])

This function mixes the given mixins to the given class.

import { mixin } from "class-mixins";

class A {
    show(str) { console.log(str) }

class B {
    display(str) { return this.show(str) }

class MyClass { }

// Mix both class A and class B into MyClass
mixin(MyClass, A, B);

// You can also mix with an object
mixin(MyClass, {
    echo(str) {
        return this.show(str);

console.log(MyClass.prototype.show); // => [Function: show]
console.log(MyClass.prototype.display); // => [Function: display]
console.log(MyClass.prototype.echo); // => [Function: echo]

Naming Conflict and Priority

When the base class and mixins classes/objects carry the same properties/ methods, the program will follow this rule to apply them:

  1. The properties/method defined in the base class are always NO.1.
  2. If the property/method is inherited from the supper class, then the one from mixins (must be own property) will override it.
  3. If the property from a mixin is inherited from its supper class, then the inherited property in the base class will remain and ignore the mixin's ones.
  4. The program will travel the whole prototype chain of a mixin to copy properties and methods.
  5. The mixins follow the order of Left-To-Right when copying properties and methods.
class A {
    echo() { }

class B extends A {
    get name() { }
    talk() { }

class C {
    echo() { }
    show() { }

class Base {
    echo() { }
    talk() { }
    show() { }

// In TypeScript, you must declare the interface with the same name as class in 
// order to pass type check.
interface MyClass extends B, C { }
class MyClass extends Base {
    get name() { }

mixin(MyClass, B, C);

var ins = new MyClass;

(ins instanceof Base) === true;
(ins instanceof B) === false;
ins.name === A.prototype.name;
ins.echo === Base.prototype.echo;
ins.talk === B.prototype.talk;
ins.show === C.prototype.show;

mix(...mixins: (object | Function)[]): (ctor: Function) => void

This is a decorator designed for TypeScript and Babel.

Mixed(base: Function, ...mixins: (object | Function)[])

This function will internally create and return an anonymous class that extends the base class, the mixins will be merged to the pivot class instead of binding to the base class.

In TypeScript, this function accepts no more than ten mixins in order to get auto type hint, but if you pass more that six mixins, you must define the generic type manually.

class A {
    // ...

class B {
    // ...

class C {
    // ...

class D {
    // ...

// other classes...

class Base { }

// will automatically get typed
class MyClass extends Mixed(Base, A, B, C, D) {
    // ...

// must explicitly provide the types
interface Mixins extends A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L { }
class MyClass2 extends Mixed<Base, Mixins>(Base, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L) {
    // ...

var mine = new MyClass;
(mine instanceof Base) === true;

11 months ago


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