0.1.3 • Published 8 years ago

class-name v0.1.3

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8 years ago


A simple utility function for generating a string for use as a DOM element's className.

The library is intended for use with React but is simple enough to be useful in any situation where you just want to build a className string.

To install: npm install class-name --save.


class-name exports two functions:

  • className(...classNames:ClassNameValue):className (default export) creates a className object populated with the ClassNameValues.

  • PropType(props:object, propName:string):void - A React propType validator for valid ClassNameValues.

To use, simply import the library in to your project, for example with ES6 modules:

import className, { PropType } from 'class-name'


This function accepts any number of valid ClassNameValues as arguments (read below to see what we consider a valid ClassNameValue).

  • add(...className:ClassNameValue):className - attempts to update the current list of class names to include the provided ClassNameValues.

    Because className objects are immutable, if the class names list is changed, a new className will be returned and the original object will remain untouched. If no changes are made, the existing className will be returned.

  • has(className:string) - returns true if the string is in the list of class names, false if not.

  • toString():string - returns a string of the joined class names for use with a DOM element.

  • toClassList():array - returns an array of the unique class names.

    Warning: This function currently returns the data structure used by the function internals for efficient className composition — do not mutate this value directly unless you're looking for weird behaviour ;)

PropType(props:Object, propName:String):void

For use with React as a PropType validator. This function will make sure the prop value is considered a valid ClassNameValue. If the prop is valid, the function will be void (i.e. return undefined), if not, it will throw an Error. See the React PropType section for how to use this.


In the scope of the library, a valid ClassNameValue is considered any of the following:

  • A plain string or number (will be casted to a string).

     className("hello") // "hello"
     className(1) // "1"
  • An object with a toClassList method (which should return an array) - e.g. a className instance.

    className('button', className('big')) // "button big"
  • A plain object mapping class name prefixes to a valid class name value.

    className({ hello: 'world' }) // "hello-world"
  • A plain object mapping class name prefixes to a truthy value — if the value is truthy, the key will be included in the class name list. If not, it will be ignored.

    className({ hello: true, world: false }) // "hello"
  • An array of valid ClassNameValues.

     className(["hello", { "world": true }]) // "hello world"

Test coverage

None at the moment, sorry! :-(

Using an object as a ClassNameValue

When you pass an object as a ClassNameValue, the object's keys will be used as a prefix to the values (the object values will just be treated as ClassNameValues).

Example outputs

className('a').toString() // "a"
className('a', 'b').toString(); // "a b"
className(['a', 'b']).toString(); // "a b"
className('a', ['b', 'c']).toString(); // "a b c"
className('a', { b: true }).toString(); // "a b"
className('a', { b: 'c' }).toString(); // "a b-c"
className('a', { b: { c: true } }).toString() // "a b-c"
className('a', { b: { c: ['d', 'e', 'f' ] } }).toString() // "a b-c-d b-c-e b-c-f"

const blueButton = className('button', 'blue');
const bigBlueButton = className(blueButton, 'big');

bigBlueButton.toString(); // "button blue big"

React PropType

When using React, you're most likely going to want to accept a className as a component prop at some point. The library provides a simple PropType function which you can use to ensure the prop you receive can be handled via class-name.


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { className as ClassName, PropType as classNamePropType } from 'class-name';

class ButtonComponent extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    className: classNamePropType

  render() {
    const className = ClassName('button', this.props.className);

    return (
      <button className={className}>

class FooComponent extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <ButtonComponent className="foo-button">
        Click me!

8 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago