0.1.2 • Published 9 years ago

class-name-builder v0.1.2

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Last release
9 years ago

ClassNameBuilder Build Status

A small, chainable, immutable utility for building up class name strings in application logic. Great for use with React's className property or Angular's ng-class directive. Improves code readability by avoiding large, complex sets of nested conditional statements when generating class names in templates or application code.


npm install class-name-builder
jspm install npm:class-name-builder

If you would like support for another ecosystem, please open an issue or submit a PR.


import ClassNameBuilder from 'class-name-builder';

let condition = true;
let otherCondition = false;

const classNames = ClassNameBuilder
  .always('example awesome-example')
  .if(condition, 'condition')
  .if(otherCondition, 'other-condition')
  .else(['not-other-condition', 'array'])

// "example awesome-example condition not-other-condition array"


Static methods

  • create(): ClassNameBuilder : creates a new, empty instance of ClassNameBuilder. ClassNameBuilder has no constructor, so this is the only way to create an instance.

Instance methods

  • always(value: string | Array<string>): ClassNameBuilder: creates a new instance of ClassNameBuilder with the given values. If the value is a string, multiple class names can be included by separating them with one or more spaces, similar to the class HTML attribute. Duplicate class names will be removed in the case of both a space-separated string and an array.
  • if(condition: any, value: string | Array<string>): ClassNameBuilder: creates a new instance of ClassNameBuilder with the passed in value only included if the condition is truthy.
  • else(value: string | Array<string>): ClassNameBuilder: creates a new instance of ClassNameBuilder with the passed in value only if the condition for the preceding if() call was falsey. Will throw an error if called without an immediately preceding call to if().
  • merge(other: ClassNameBuilder): ClassNameBuilder: creates a new instance of ClassNameBuilder with class names from the passed in instance mixed in with those in the calling instance.
  • toString(): string: returns the class names represented by the instance as a space-separated string.


npm install -g gulp && npm install

To bundle with browserify and babelify:

gulp build

To run the unit tests with karma:

gulp test

9 years ago


9 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago