1.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

classe v1.0.0

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8 years ago


A simple class building function for JavaScript that supports multiple inheritance.

This is primarily intended for usage in the Cadre AI framework, but feel free to use it elsewhere. The design is modeled off Lua's simple multiple inheritance class builders.


var Animal = Class({
    init: function() {
        this.isAlive = true;
        this.says = "AK!";

    talk: function() {

var LovedOne = Class({
    init: function(isLoved) {
        this.isLoved = isLoved;

    leave: function() {
        this.isLoved = false;

var Dog = Class(Animal, LovedOne { // multiple inheritance!
    init: function(breed) {
        Animal.init.call(this);            // calls the Animal class's super method init, passing to this instance to be 'this' in that function
        LovedOne.init.call(this, true);    // calls the LovedOne class's super method init, passing this to be 'this', and 'true' to be the argument for 'isLoved'

        this.says = "bark!";
        this.breed = breed;

    wagTail: function() {
        console.log("the dog of breed " + this.breed + " wags it's tail!");

// usage:

var gecko = new Animal();
var exGirlfriend = new LovedOne(false);
var pug = new Dog("pug");

gecko.talk();    // prints "AK!"
pug.talk();        // prints "bark!"

pug.wagTail();    // prints "the dog of breed pug wags it's tail!"

gecko.wagTail(); // breaks, Animal class does not have wagTail()

if(pug.isLoved) {
    console.log("I love my pug!"); // works because all dogs are loved, because the Dog class passes in true to it's LovedOne.init function

if(exGirlfriend.isLoved) { // exGirlfriend is not loved because we passed in 'false' to its constructor