1.0.9 • Published 6 years ago

clean-slate-lint v1.0.9

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Last release
6 years ago


Prettier & ESLint with commit hooks. Without any pain.

Follows the Standard Style Guide and supports React out of the box.


$ npm install --save-dev clean-slate-lint

✅ clean-slate post-commit hooks setup succeeded.

A post-install script should run automatically and setup your commit hooks. If it didn’t work, add the following to your package.json:

"husky": {
  "hooks": {
    "pre-commit": "./node_modules/.bin/clean-slate-lint",
    "pre-rewrite": "./node_modules/.bin/clean-slate-lint"

Adding to an existing project

If you’re adding clean-slate to an existing project, run the following commands to lint your whole codebase in a single commit and avoid messy git diffs everytime you commit:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/prettier --config ./node_modules/clean-slate-lint/prettier.config.js --write "./**/*.{js,ts,tsx,css,less,scss,sass,vue,json,graphql,md}"

$ ./node_modules/.bin/eslint --config ./node_modules/clean-slate-lint/.eslintrc.js --fix .

$ git add -A

$ git commit -n -m "Running clean-slate on the whole codebase"

You should obviously adapt the file globs to your own needs. Your ignore configuration files should be automatically picked up if you have some, but you can also pass them using the --ignore-path flags.

Usage tips

By default, clean-slate runs whenever you commit (git commit and git commit --amend). If you want to run clean-slate at other points in time, please refer to the husky documentation. Note that there are no git hooks for git rebase --continue.

If you want to skip the linting, simply commit with the -n flag, short for --no-verify. For instance, you could run:

$ git commit -n -m "Skipping clean-slate!"


If you want to ignore specific files, clean-slate will respect your .prettierignore and .eslintignore files. If you want to ignore linting for a specific line, please refer to ESLint’s inline comments documentation. For Prettier, you can use the // prettier-ignore comment.

clean-slate follows the opionionated Standard Style Guide and is meant to be used without any configuration. If you want to customize the ESLint rules or the Prettier config, you’ll have to use your own setup. We recommend using a combination of husky and lint-staged, two packages on which clean-slate heavily relies. Note that overriding some ESLint rules or adding new plugins may work but no support will be provided.

For any specific request about code formatting, please open an issue in the Prettier, ESLint or Standard repositories. If you think clean-slate should support customization, feel free to open an issue so that we can discuss it.

VS Code integration

Because the ESLint configuration used by clean-slate does not live at the root of your project, the vscode-eslint extension might not find the configuration file automatically. You’ll need to specify it. If you’re only using clean-slate on a specific project, you can create a workspace configuration file: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/settings.

For instance, in /.vscode/settings.json, add this:

  "eslint.options": {
    "configFile": "./node_modules/clean-slate-lint/.eslintrc.js"