1.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

clean-store v1.0.1

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6 years ago

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A clean interface for browser storage technologies in 1.5kb:

import { cookies, local } from 'clean-store';

cookies.token = 42;      // Set it
const t = cookies.token; // Get it
delete cookies.token;    // Eat it

local.token = 42;        // Set it
const t = local.token;   // Get it
delete local.token;      // Del it

Subscribe to changes in any of the objects:

import { local, subscribe } from 'clean-store';

subscribe(local, 'token', value => {
  console.log(value);   // 42, 'Hello', undefined

local.token = 42;
local.token = 'Hello';
delete local.token;

You can also iterate them as expected with Object.keys(), Object.values(), etc:

cookies.token = 42;
cookies.name = 'Francisco';

console.log(Object.keys(cookies)); // token, name

for (let val of cookies) {
  console.log(val); // 42, 'Francisco'

Getting started

Install it with npm:

npm install clean-store

Then import the different parts:

import { cookies, local, ... } from 'clean-store';
const { cookies, local, ... } = require('clean-store');

Or use a CDN for the browser:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/clean-store"></script>
  const { cookies, local, ... } = store;


The above should be enough for most cases, but here are some extra details.


Manipulate cookies with the simple getter/setter interface:

import { cookies } from 'clean-store';

cookies.token = 42;          // Set it
const res = cookies.token;   // Get it
delete cookies.token;        // Eat it

You can change the cookies options globally:

import { cookies, options } from 'clean-store';

// Options with its defaults. Note that expires is set to 100 days
cookies[options] = {
  expires: 100 * 24 * 3600,     // The time to expire in seconds
  domain: false,                // The domain for the cookie
  path: '/',                    // The path for the cookie
  secure: https ? true : false  // Require the use of https

cookies.token = 24;  // Will be stored for ~100 days

WARNING: you should import options and then use it as a variable like cookies[options]. You CANNOT do cookies.options nor cookies['options'].

Cookies can be set to many different standard values, and they will retain the types. This is possible thanks to the underlying library:

cookies.id = 1;
cookies.accepted = true;
cookies.name = 'Francisco';
cookies.friends = [3, 5];
cookies.user = { id: 1, accepted: true, name: 'Francisco' };
console.log(typeof cookies.id);               // 'number'
console.log(typeof cookies.accepted);         // 'boolean'
console.log(typeof cookies.name);             // 'string'
console.log(Array.isArray(cookies.friends));  // true
console.log(typeof cookies.user);             // 'object'

Warning: manually setting values. Values are encoded first with JSON.stringify() to allow for different types, and then with encodeURIComponent() to remain RFC 6265 compliant. See the details in the underlying library. If you are setting cookies manually, you'll have to follow the same process:

import { cookies } from 'clean-store';
document.cookie = `name=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify('Francisco'))}`
console.log(cookies.name);  // Francisco

You can iterate over the cookies in many different standard ways as normal:

for (let key in cookies) {}
for (let val of cookies) {}


For the localStorage, we define local to simplify the interface:

import { local } from 'clean-store';

local.token = 42;          // Set it
const res = local.token;   // Get it
delete local.token;        // Remove it

localStorage items can be set to many different standard values, and they will retain the types:

local.id = 1;
local.accepted = true;
local.name = 'Francisco';
local.friends = [3, 5];
local.user = { id: 1, accepted: true, name: 'Francisco' };
console.log(typeof local.id);               // 'number'
console.log(typeof local.accepted);         // 'boolean'
console.log(typeof local.name);             // 'string'
console.log(Array.isArray(local.friends));  // true
console.log(typeof local.user);             // 'object'

Warning: manually setting values. Values are encoded first with JSON.stringify() to allow for different types. If you are mixing localStorage with clean-store, you'll have to follow the same process:

import { local } from 'clean-store';
localStorage.setItem('name', JSON.stringify('Francisco'));
console.log(local.name);  // Francisco
console.log(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('name'))); // Francisco

Of course we recommend to stick to the library as much as possible for a cleaner interface:

import { local } from 'clean-store';
local.name = 'Francisco';
console.log(local.name);  // Francisco

You can iterate over the items in many different standard ways as normal:

for (let key in local) {}
for (let val of local) {}


Subscribe allows you to listen to changes to any object, including yours. It is asynchronous and the callback order is not guaranteed.

import { local, subscribe } from 'clean-store';

subscribe(local, 'token', value => {
  console.log(value);   // 42, 'Hello', undefined

local.token = 42;
local.token = 'Hello';
delete local.token;

Changes work even if you use the native API to change the values, or even if the changes happen on another tab:

import { local, subscribe } from 'clean-store';

subscribe(local, 'token', value => {
  console.log(value);   // 42, 'Hello', undefined

// Note that this is the native one:
localStorage.setItem('token', JSON.stringify(42));

To unsubscribe, store the value returned by subscribe() and then use it with unsubscribe():

import { cookies, subscribe, unsubscribe } from 'clean-store';

const id = subscribe(cookies, 'token', token => {


You can also unsubscribe by the callback, which is very useful in a React context:

import { cookies, subscribe, unsubscribe } from 'clean-store';

const cb = token => console.log('NEW TOKEN:', token);
subscribe(cookies, 'token', cb);

For instance, if you want to keep the user points synced across tabs with localStorage:

import { local, subscribe, unsubscribe } from 'clean-store';

export default class extends React.Component {
  constructor (props) {
    this.state = { points: local.points };
    this.updatePoints = this.updatePoints.bind(this);
    subscribe(local, 'points', this.updatePoints);
  updatePoints (points) {
    this.setState({ points });
  componentWillUnmount () {
  render () {
    return <div>Points: {this.state.points}</div>;

Note: subscribe() implementation is very basic right now using setInterval() internally. If you are going to use hundreds of subscribe() or need more realtime data this might not be well suited.