1.0.2 • Published 9 years ago

clementinejs-bare v1.0.2

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9 years ago

Bare Boilerplate

Clementine.js Standard Repo | Clementine.js Bare Repo | Clementine.js Beginner Repo


Clementine.js is a lightweight MEAN stack boilerplate. In addition to MongoDB, Express, AngularJS and Node.js, Clementine.js uses Jade, Mongoose, Gulp, Bower and Sass. The purpose of this boilerplate is to offer a lightweight alternative to other boilerplates. This version of Clementine.js is stripped down to only include the essentials, and a small app template.

If you're just learning how to code, I suggest checking out the beginner version of Clementine.js.

If you're looking for a demonstration of these technologies for a simple website, check out the standard version of Clementine.js.


Full documentation about the bare version of the Clementine.js boilerplate can be found here.


Installation of the boilerplate has two prerequisites: Node.js / NPM and MongoDB. The instructions for these are detailed below, followed by installation instructions for Clementine.js.

Node.js & NPM

Note: The Node insallation installs both Node & NPM.

MAC OSX & Windows

Head to the Node.js install page. Download the appropriate file follow the installation instructions.


Option 1 - Install via PPA

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs

Option 2 - Install via LinuxBrew

First, ensure LinuxBrew is installed. Then, enter the below into the Linux terminal:

$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/linuxbrew/go/install)"

MongoDB has great installation instructutions for MAC OSX, Windows and Linux. See this page.


To install the boilerplate, first create a new directory for your project and cd into that directory from the terminal. Then type:

$npm install clementinejs-bare
$ cd clementinejs-bare
Starting the App

To start the app, make sure you're in the project directory and type node server.js into the terminal. This will start the Node server and connect to MongoDB.

You should the following messages within the terminal window:

MongoDB successfully connected on port 27017.
Node.js listening on port 3000...

Next, open your browser and enter http://localhost:3000/. Congrats, you're up and running!


MIT License. Click here for more information.


9 years ago


9 years ago