0.0.1 • Published 2 years ago

clevertap-directcall-sdk v0.0.1

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2 years ago

CleverTap Direct Call Web SDK

👋 Introduction

CleverTap provides In-App calls via its Direct Call Web SDK, which means you can make calls on any webpage if a device has an internet connection and the Direct Call Web SDK. This section shows how to integrate the Direct Call Web SDK and manage calls.

Integrate the Direct Call Web SDK

Using the Node Package Manager (NPM)

You can add the Direct Call Web SDK as an npm to your web app.

Step 1: Use the following npm command to install the package:

 npm install clevertap-directcall-sdk --save

Step 2: Import the installed package as below:

import {initDirectCall} from 'clevertap-directcall-sdk'

Step 3: Initialize and Authenticate the SDK

let DirectCallClient

    accountId: <string>,
    apikey: <string>,
    cuid: <string>,
    clevertap: <clevertap sdk instance>,
    name: <string / optional>,
    ringtone: <string / optional>
).then(client => DirectCallClient = client)
.catch(err => console.log(err))

The options parameter in the initDirectCall function expects a JSON object with the following properties:

accountId (string, required)The Account ID is available from the dashboard.
apikey (string, required)The API Key is available from the dashboard
cuid (string, required)Unique user ID of the person making a call. Validations: - The cuid must range between 5 and 50 characters.- The cuid is case sensitive, and only '_' is allowed as a special character. - The cuid parameter cannot be of the number-number type, that is, - a number followed by another number separated with a special character. For example, org_25 is allowed, but 91_8899555 is not allowed.- You must use a unique cuid for every device.
clevertap (required)The Clevertap Web SDK instance.
name (string, optional)The name of the caller. - The name must range between 3 and 50 characters.

Make a Call

The dialing screen displays when the DirectCallClient from the init()function invokes the call() method to make an outbound call. This method returns a promise object whose then() and catch() can be utilized for the following scenarios:

Scenario 1:

When the call is answered, the outgoing call screen transitions into the ongoing call screen. After the transition, the then() method receives an over status and indicates that the call is completed successfully.

Scenario 2:

The declined and missed statuses received by the catch() method indicate whether the receiver rejected the call (decline) or did not answer the call (miss).

The call() parameters are as follows:

receiver (required)It is a string of cuid For example: receiver = 'some_unique_id'
context (required)It specifies the context of the call. For example, Trainer is calling, Grocer is calling, Tutor is calling, and so on.
callOptions (optional)It is a JSON object with the following properties:receiver_image (string, optional): This URL displays the receiver's image on the outgoing call screen.initiator_image (string, optional): This URL displays the initiator's image on the incoming call screen.

Hangup Call

This functionality depends on user behaviour i.e. if one of the user in a call presses the hangup button on the ongoing call screen, the call termination by default is managed by the sdk.

Only in the case of a metered call, when a business wants to end a call after a specific duration, then they must maintain a timer in the app and call the DirectCallClient.hangup() function programatically at an appropriate time.


Logout the SDK

Logout the DirectCallClient via calling DirectCallClient.logout() method. It ends all the connections, and to make a new call, you must repeat the Initialization and Authentication steps.



via NPM

  import {initDirectCall} from 'clevertap-directcall-sdk'
  let DirectCallClient
  //initiate the sdk
      accountId, //string, required
      apikey, // string, required
      cuid, // string,required
      clevertap, // clevertap instance, required
      name, // string, optional
      ringtone // string, optional
  }).then(client => DirectCallClient = client).catch(err => console.error(err))

  // make a call
  function call() {
      let callOptions = {
        receiver_image: "", // optional, string
        initiator_image: "" // optional, string

       * callee {string, required}: cuid whom you are calling
       * context {reason, required}: reason of call
       * callOptions {optional}
       * */
      DirectCallClient.call(callee, context,calloptions)
        .then((response) => {
          console.log("Call response : ", response);
        .catch((error) => {

    // Hangup a call automatically after 20000ms 
    setTimeout((DirectCallClient.hangup()), 20000)

    // Logout the sdk 
    let logout = function () {


ERR_MISSING_INITPARAMETERSOne (or more) mandatory parameter is missing in SDK Initialization and Authentication
ERR_INVALID_INITPARAMETERSParameters are not valid.
ERR_MISSING_CT_ACCOUNTIDDirect Call SDK is unable to find the Account ID associated with CleverTap.
ERR_MISSING_CT_IDDirect Call SDK cannot find the CleverTap ID.
ERR_INVALID_CREDENTIALSDirect Call's account ID or API Key is incorrect.
ERR_ALREADY_SIGNEDINThe cuid entered is currently connected elsewhere.
ERR_MIC_UNAVAILABLEMicrophone permission denied.
ERR_OUTGOING_CALL_IN_PROGRESSIf a call is already in progress, then another can only be initiated if the current call is over, missed, declined, or canceled.
ERR_INVALID_CALL_PARAMETERSThe parameters provided in Make Call are incorrect.
ERR_INTERNET_LOSTThe call could not occur successfully because the internet is lost.
404The receiver's cuid is offline.


Q. Is Direct Call accountId and apikey the same as CleverTap's accountId and token? A. No. Direct Call accountId and apikey are different from CleverTap's accountId and token. You can find these details under your dashboard's Direct Call section.

Q. I am getting an EER_MISSING_CT_IDerror even after passing the correct CleverTap instance to the directcall-sdk?

A. This error occurs due to the following reasons:

  • The CleverTap SDK's region and accountId parameters are incorrect.
  • CleverTap SDK is not initialized. Recheck these details and if this issue persists, raise an issue at CleverTap Support.

2 years ago