1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

client-paginate v1.0.0

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4 years ago


This plugin aims to repeat a JSON array into an html template on the client side and adds pagination options as well.

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paginateBooleantrueWhether to only repeat or to add pagination options as well.
dataArray[]The JSON array from which the plugin will repeat.
htmlTemplateHTML String or jQuery elemnt object““The HTML element from that the plugin will take as template. More on that after the table to check the special attributes.
objectTemplateJavascript object{}A single input from the array to repeat a sample from in case of empty data array.
searchBooleantrueAdds search field.
buttonsHTML String or jQuery elemnt objectfalseAdds these buttons for special events. PS: Buttons can take special attribute pagination-actions=\"repeatElement\" if the button has no purpose but to add a new element to array. Ex: "<button type='button' class=\"actionLink level2 active save\" pagination-actions=\"repeatElement\">Add New"
elementsPerPageNumber20In case of pagination, the default number of elements per page.
validationArraynullThis array takes two fields: Array of required fields to validate client side. Section name to point in case of error message. Ex: validation = [ id,name,”Some important section” ] Then on form submission if there is any validation error, the message will be the following: ”Some important section: Missing required fields at element number : 3” And it adds the error red circle on the right of this specific field.
startWithNumber/String0The page to start with. I can accepts "last" as a value.
emptyStringrepeatAn error message in case of empty data array. The default is to repeat from the empty objectTemplate provided before.
allDataStringallDataIn case of form submission all data will be added to one hidden field as a JSON object, so you can choose that field name in order to catch it on the back end side.
callbackfunctionfunction(){}A callback function to be executed after each action that includes repeating (loading, filtering,…).


In order to display a server side validation, it’s enough to add an invalid field in the object having a string of comma separated invalid fields after server validation.

Ex: {id:1,name:title}, {id:null,name:title,invalid:”id”}, {id:null,name:wrongTitle,invalid:”id,name”}


The reason this option has its own section that it has many special attributes to guide the repeater function.

{$index}OptionalAnywhere (Attribute, class, id, text,..etc)It can be added anywhere to reuse the item index.
init-valueRequiredAttributeIt takes the field from which it will have the value. Ex: <span init-value='id'></span>
opt-valueOptionalAttributeValid only with <option> as it takes a text -already done by init-value-and then it needs a value, so this attributes contains the field from which the option will take the value. Ex: <option init-value='text' opt-value='value' >
repeat-fnOptionalAttributePass the field data through a function and return a new one value to repeat from. Ex: You need to replace ““ into a regular space for displaying purpose. <span `repeat-fn="newVal.replace('', ':')`"> newVal is the keyword to use.
conversion-fnOptionalAttributeWhile updating the one hidden field before you might need to convert the data into something else. Ex: <span conversion-fn='item.attr('test')+newVal.replace(':', '_')'> And it takes the actual item and its value as newVal keyword.
checkbox-valOptionalAttributeIt takes a string to show of values to assign the checkbox in case of checked or in unchecked. Ex: <input type=”checkbox” checkbox-val=”1,0” /> Now in case of checked the checkbox will take 1 as a value, and 0 in case of unchecked.


    data:[{ id: 1, name: "Title 1" },{id: 2, name: "Title 2" }],
    htmlTemplate: “<div class='container'><span  init-value='id'></span><span init-value='name'></span></div>“,