0.0.20 • Published 9 months ago

clip-sdk v0.0.20

Weekly downloads
Last release
9 months ago


SDK clip

Table of Contents


# npm install clip-sdk --registry https://npm-registry.conexa.ai


We use GitFlow branching model.

Your branch name should follow one of the following formats:

  • feature/feature-name for new features
  • fix/fix-name for bug fixes
  • chore/chore-name for chores
  • docs/docs-name for documentation
  • refactor/refactor-name for refactors
  • release/release-name for releases
  • revert/revert-name for reverts
  • test/test-name for tests
  • wip/wip-name for work in progress
  • ci/ci-name for continuous integration

Making Changes

Run yarn dev so you can compile Typescript(.ts) files in watch mode

yarn dev

Add your changes to TypeScript(.ts) files which are in the src folder. The files will be automatically compiled to JS if you are in watch mode.

Add tests for the new feature

Run yarn test:ts to make sure all Typescript tests pass.

yarn test:ts

Committing Changes

Run yarn commit to commit your changes. This will run commitizen which will guide you through the commit process.

yarn commit


Run yarn release to release a new version of the package. This will automatically do the following:

  • Run yarn build to compile the Typescript files to JS
  • Run standard-version to generate a changelog and bump the version in package.json
    • If you ran yarn release:major it will bump the major version
    • If you ran yarn release:minor it will bump the minor version
    • If you ran yarn release:patch it will bump the patch version
  • Run git push to push the changes to the remote repository
  • Run git push --tags to push the changes to the remote repository
  • Run npm publish to publish the package to the npm registry

Committing Rules

We use The Conventional Commits specification. It is a convention that provides an easy set of rules for creating an explicit commit history; which makes it easier to write automated tools on top of. This convention dovetails with SemVer, by describing the features, fixes, and breaking changes made in commit messages.

Commit types required lowercase

feat – a new feature is introduced with the changes

fix – a bug fix has occurred

chore – changes that do not relate to a fix or feature and don't modify src or test files (for example updating dependencies)

refactor – refactored code that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature

docs – updates to documentation such as a the README or other markdown files

style – changes that do not affect the meaning of the code, likely related to code formatting such as white-space, missing semi-colons, and so on.

test – including new or correcting previous tests

perf – performance improvements

ci – continuous integration related

build – changes that affect the build system or external dependencies

revert – reverts a previous commit

echo ": some message"    # fails
echo "foo: some message" # fails
echo "FIX: some message" # fails
echo "fix: some message" # passes

Scope optional lowercase

echo "fix(SCOPE): some message" # fails
echo "fix(scope): some message" # passes

Description required start in lowercase not ending in "."

echo "fix:" # fails
echo "fix: some message." # fails
echo "fix(scope): Some message" # fails
echo "fix(scope): some message" # passes
echo "fix(scope): some Message" # passes


echo "fix(.gitignore): added node_modules folder" 
echo "fix(controllers/auth): added frontend redirect params"
echo "revert(services/email): nodemailer version update"

Project Structure

├── src                               # Source files
│   ├── services                      # Services
│   │   ├── auth.service              # Authentication
│   │   ├── ....                      # Other services, for ex. checkout
│   ├── lib                           # General purpose utils and helpers
│   ├── index.ts                      # Package entry file
├── package.json
└── README.md

Possible Statuses

CHECKOUT_CREATEDThe checkout has been created and is ready for the customer to complete the payment.
CHECKOUT_EXPIREDThe checkout has expired and can no longer be used to process a payment.
CHECKOUT_CANCELEDThe checkout has been canceled and can no longer be used to process a payment.
CHECKOUT_COMPLETEDThe checkout has been completed and the payment has been processed.
CHECKOUT_PENDINGThe checkout is pending and the payment has not yet been processed.

Methods Reference


The SDK exports a function called setAppConfig. Is used to initialize the API SDK and set global variables that will be used throughout the SDK. It takes an object with the following properties as input:

envstringRequired. production / stage / development
debugbooleanOptional. true / false
userAgentstringOptional. User agent
import { setAppConfig } from 'clip-sdk';

	env: process.env.NODE_ENV,
	debug: true,
	userAgent: 'Tiendanube Client v1.0.0',


The main exported class of the API SDK is ClipSDK. This class provides access to the various services and functionality provided by the SDK, such as creating checkouts and retrieving transaction information.

To use the ClipSDK class, you will need to instantiate it with a token that is used to authenticate API requests. You can obtain a token by calling the authenticate function described below.

Once you have a token, you can create an instance of the ClipSDK class by calling the constructor with the token as an argument. For example:

import { ClipSDK, authenticate } from 'clip-sdk';

const token = await authenticate(apiKey, apiSecret);

const client = new ClipSDK(token);

// Now you can use the client to access the services
const transactions = await client.Transaction.getTransactions();


The authenticate function returns a Promise that resolves with a string representing the token if the authentication is successful. If the authentication fails, the Promise will reject with an error.


apiKeystringRequired. Merchant API Key
apiSecretstringRequired. Merchant API Secret
import { authenticate } from 'clip-sdk';

try {
	const token = await authenticate(apiKey, apiSecret);
} catch (error) {
	throw new Error(httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)

Create Checkout

This method is used to create a new checkout, which is a payment request that can be used to process a payment.

The createCheckout function takes the following arguments as input:


checkoutDataobjectRequired. Checkout data
environmentstringOptional. Environment to use (production / stage / development)

Parameters Checkout Data

amountnumberRequired. Amount of the payment in the currency specified by the currency property.
currencystringRequired. Currency of the payment (e.g., "USD", "EUR").
purchase_descriptionstringRequired. Description of the purchase being made.
redirection_urlobjectRequired. URLs to redirect the customer to after the checkout process is complete.
redirection_url.successstringRequired. URL to redirect the customer to upon successful completion of the checkout process.
redirection_url.errorstringRequired. URL to redirect the customer to if there is an error during the checkout process.
redirection_url.defaultstringRequired. URL to redirect the customer to if the customer cancels the checkout process.
metadataobjectRequired. Additional metadata for the checkout.
metadata.me_reference_idstringRequired. Reference ID for the checkout provided by the merchant.
metadata.customer_infoobjectRequired. Information about the customer.
metadata.customer_info.namestringRequired. Name of the customer.
metadata.customer_info.emailstringRequired. Email address of the customer.
metadata.customer_info.phonestringRequired. Phone number of the customer.
webhook_urlstringRequired. Instant payment notification from Clip
billing_addressstringRequired. Buyer billing address
shipping_addressstringOptional. Buyer shipping address
sourcestringRequired. Source of request


payment_request_idstringID of the payment request.
payment_request_urlstringURL of the payment request page.
object_typestringType of object being returned (e.g., "checkout").
statusstringCurrent status of the checkout.
last_status_messagestringLast status message for the checkout.
created_atstringDate and time at which the checkout was created.
modified_atstringDate and time at which the checkout was last modified.
expired_atstringDate and time at which the checkout will expire.
import { ClipSDK } from 'clip-sdk';

const client = new ClipSDK(token);

const checkoutData = {
  "amount": 3,
  "currency": "MXN",
  "purchase_description": "Hamburguesas 2x1 + 50% descuento",
  "redirection_url": {
     "success": "https://merchant_ecoomerce.com/redirection/success",
     "error": "https://merchant_ecoomerce.com/redirection/error",
     "default": "https://merchant_ecoomerce.com/redirection/default"
  "metadata": {
    "me_reference_id": "OID123456789",
    "customer_info": {
      "name": "Alejandro Lee",
      "email": "buyer@hotmail.com",
      "phone": 5520686868
    "billing_address": {
      "street": "streetTest",
      "outdoor_number": "23a",
      "interior_number": "1234",
      "locality": "colonyTest",
      "city": "cityTest",
      "state": "stateTest",
      "zip_code": "54117",
      "country": "cuntryTest",
      "reference": "referenceTest",
      "between_streets": "street 1 and street 2",
      "floor": "floorTest"
    "shipping_address": {
      "street": "streetTest",
      "outdoor_number": "23a",
      "interior_number": "1234",
      "locality": "colonyTest",
      "city": "cityTest",
      "state": "stateTest",
      "zip_code": "54117",
      "country": "cuntryTest",
      "reference": "referenceTest",
      "between_streets": "street 1 and street 2",
      "floor": "floorTest"
    "source": "tiendanube"
   "webhook_url": "https://merchant_ecoomerce.com/api/v1/webhooks/ipn";

const checkout = await client.Checkout.createCheckout(checkoutData);

Get Checkout

This method is used to retrieve information about a checkout that was previously created. The getCheckout function takes the following arguments as input:


paymentRequestIdstringRequired. ID of the payment request.


payment_request_idstringID of the payment request.
payment_request_urlstringURL of the payment request page.
object_typestringType of object being returned (e.g., "checkout").
statusstringCurrent status of the checkout.
last_status_messagestringLast status message for the checkout.
created_atstringDate and time at which the checkout was created.
modified_atstringDate and time at which the checkout was last modified.
expired_atstringDate and time at which the checkout will expire.
amountnumberAmount of the payment in the currency specified by the currency property.
currencystringCurrency of the payment (e.g., "USD", "EUR").
purchase_descriptionstringDescription of the purchase being made.
redirection_urlobjectURLs to redirect the customer to after the checkout process is complete.
redirection_url.successstringURL to redirect the customer to upon successful completion of the checkout process.
redirection_url.errorstringURL to redirect the customer to if there is an error during the checkout process.
redirection_url.defaultstringURL to redirect the customer to if the customer cancels the checkout process.
metadataobjectAdditional metadata for the checkout.
metadata.me_reference_idstringReference ID for the checkout provided by the merchant.
metadata.customer_infoobjectInformation about the customer.
metadata.customer_info.namestringName of the customer.
metadata.customer_info.emailstringEmail address of the customer.
metadata.customer_info.phonestringPhone number of the customer.
import { ClipSDK } from 'clip-sdk';

const client = new ClipSDK(token);

const checkout = await client.Checkout.getCheckout(paymentRequestId);