0.0.5 • Published 8 years ago

cloneengine v0.0.5

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Last release
8 years ago


A tool for cloning database tables; from Postgres into Oracle


  • Cast one or multiple tables (from a Postgres source) as comparable Oracle Tables (or rebuild existing ones). Cloning Operations are run in-memory, and can be configured to run either asynchronously or synchronously.


  • This module is purposed to clone data tables from within a Postgres database environment into an Oracle database environment. The process used does not write to file, but rather stores entire tables in memory while offloading the data into Oracle. Size your cloning operations accordingly. Know the sizes of your tables versus what memory resources are available to the system running this module versus how many cloning operations are being called at run-time before proceeding. As these operations are done in-memory, it may be necessary to run only one cloning operation at a time (i.e. synchronously rather than asynchronously).

Things to keep in mind:

  • As a guide, expect a laptop to handle realistically between 2 to 10 Gb of data. That being the maximum amount of data run per cloning operation. As clone operations can be configured to run either synchronously or asynchronously, running a large number of larger sized operations asynchronously could quickly overwhelm a small system or network.
  • While CloneEngine tries to be responsible handling database connection closures, keep in mind the more cloning operations running asynchronously, the more database connections that are opened against a database. Each database has limits with the amount of connections that it can have open at one time. As CloneEngine offloads data, database connections remain open per cloning operation until the data offloading process is complete for that operation. Also keep in mind that connection time can quickly increase as resources are stretched handling larger operations asynchronously.


  • Oracle Instant Client installed and configured on local machine

Add-on Modules:

Data Type Conversions:

  • Currently resolves the following Postgres data types to the following Oracle Data Types
Postgres TypeOracle Type

Message/Feedback Emitters:

Message Emitter Types
startEmits on start onlyactivity
connectionEmits when connection is opened or closedactivity
rowsToProcessEmits the row count number of the table to be clonedactivity
processEmits when data is being processedactivity
bytesCachedEmits the number of bytes cashedactivity
countsMatchEmits true if source and destination row counts matchactivity
finishEmits on finish onlyactivity
operationEmits a summary of operation onlysummary
ERROR!Emits when errors occuractivity
Activity Messages
Emitter PropertyProperty Description
activityIdOperation step unique ID
operationOperation name
operationIdOperation unique ID
msgTypeOperation message type (start, connection, process, finish, operation, ERROR!)
stepOperation step number
timeOperation ISO formatted timestamp
descriptionOperation description

Quick Start:

A) Oracle Instant Client Download

  1. Download the following TWO Oracle Instant Client Packages (here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/instant-client/index-097480.html ). Please make sure to download the correct packages for your system architecture (i.e. 64 bit vs 32 bit)

    • Instant Client Package - Basic or Basic Lite: Contains files required to run OCI, OCCI, and JDBC-OCI applications

    • Instant Client Package - SDK: Contains additional header files and an example makefile for developing Oracle applications with Instant Client

B) Oracle Instant Client Installation and Configuration (this example procedure is for Mac OS X 64bit ONLY)

From a terminal window:

1) Unzip your Oracle Instant Client files to ~/oracle

unzip instantclient-basic-macos.x64- -d ~/oracle
unzip instantclient-sdk-macos.x64- -d ~/oracle

2) Update your .bashrc file by appending and saving the following block of code:

##### Oracle Instant Client 12.1 #####
export OCI_HOME=~/oracle/instantclient_12_1
export OCI_INC_DIR=$OCI_HOME/sdk/include
export OCI_INCLUDE_DIR=$OCI_HOME/sdk/include

3) Create the following symbolic links from within your Instant Client directory (e.g. /oracle/instantclient_12_1):

ln -s ~/oracle/instantclient_12_1/libclntsh.dylib.12.1 ~/oracle/instantclient_12_1/libclntsh.dylib
ln -s ~/oracle/instantclient_12_1/libocci.dylib.12.1 ~/oracle/instantclient_12_1/libocci.dylib

4) Restart your Terminal application OR type the following source ~/.bashrc

C) CloneEngine Installation

npm install cloneengine

D) Run CloneEngine Operations

"use strict";
var CloneEngine = require('cloneengine');
/////////////////////////////////////////// CLONE OPERATION OPTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////

//----Source Database Connection Setup----
const SOURCE_DB = {
        dbMake          : 'postgres',
        database        : 'myPostgresDb',
        user            : 'me',
        password        : 'myPassWord',
        host            : 'my.db.com'

//----Destination Database Connection Setup----
const DESTINATION_DB = {// must have read, write, delete permissions
        dbMake          : 'oracle',
        database        : 'myOracleDb',
        user            : 'me',
        password        : 'myPassWord',
        host            : 'myother.db.com',
        port            : 12345,
        service         : 'myother.db.com'

//---- CloneEngine Options----
const OVERWRITE_FOR_ALL_OPS = 'yes'; // allows CloneEngine to delete existing (Destination Db) table and replace with new one
const TIMEZONE = 'local'; // uses ISO Standard Timestamp... choose either "utc" or "local"
const DISPLAY_MESSAGES_ON_CONSOLE = 'yes'; // configures CloneEngine messages to display on console
const RUN_TYPE = 'synchronous'; // choose to run operations either "synchronous" or "asynchronous"
const STOP_ON_ERROR = 'yes'; // when running synchronously... upon an error: if 'yes' is selected, no further operations will be run

/////////////////////////////////////////////// CLONEENGINE LOGIC /////////////////////////////////////////////

//--------------- Handle emitter output messages---------
//templates for handling output from cloneEngine emitters
var handleEmitterOutput = function(msg){

  //configure output message on console...
    if(msg.msgType === 'operation'){console.log(msg);}
    else if(msg.msgType === 'ERROR!'){
      //Error just adds a red font
        msg.activityId +' '+msg.operationId+' '+msg.step+' '+msg.operation+' \x1b[31m'+msg.msgType+'\x1b[0m'+' '+msg.time+' => '+msg.description);
        msg.activityId +' '+msg.operationId+' '+msg.step+' '+msg.operation+' '+msg.msgType+' '+msg.time+' => '+msg.description);

//----------------- Create a Clone Engine---------------
function runCloneEngineOperation (plan) {

  //initialize a new cloning engine
  let engine = new CloneEngine(SOURCE_DB,DESTINATION_DB,TIMEZONE);

  //configure CloneEngine listeners and how to handle outputs

  //run engine

  //upon completion of operation resolve promise
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
    STOP_ON_ERROR == 'no' ?
      engine.on('ERROR!',function(msg){if (msg){resolve(msg);}}) :
      engine.on('ERROR!',function(msg){if (msg){reject(msg);}})
    engine.on('finish',function(msg){if (msg) {resolve(true);}})

////////////////////////////////////// RUN ENGINE OPERATIONS ////////////////////////////////////

//Run CloneEngine Operations (synchronously)...
if (RUN_TYPE === 'synchronous') {

    sourceTableName                     : 'table1',
    destinationTableName                : 'clone_a',
    overwriteDestTblIfExists            : OVERWRITE_FOR_ALL_OPS
      sourceTableName                     : 'table2',
      destinationTableName                : 'clone_b',
      overwriteDestTblIfExists            : OVERWRITE_FOR_ALL_OPS
      sourceTableName                     : 'table3',
      destinationTableName                : 'clone_c',
      overwriteDestTblIfExists            : OVERWRITE_FOR_ALL_OPS
      sourceTableName                     : 'table4',
      destinationTableName                : 'clone_d',
      overwriteDestTblIfExists            : OVERWRITE_FOR_ALL_OPS

//Run CloneEngine Operations (asynchronously)...
if (RUN_TYPE === 'asynchronous') {

    sourceTableName                     : 'table1',
    destinationTableName                : 'clone_a',
    overwriteDestTblIfExists            : OVERWRITE_FOR_ALL_OPS

    sourceTableName                     : 'table2',
    destinationTableName                : 'clone_b',
    overwriteDestTblIfExists            : OVERWRITE_FOR_ALL_OPS

    sourceTableName                     : 'table3',
    destinationTableName                : 'clone_c',
    overwriteDestTblIfExists            : OVERWRITE_FOR_ALL_OPS

    sourceTableName                     : 'table4',
    destinationTableName                : 'clone_d',
    overwriteDestTblIfExists            : OVERWRITE_FOR_ALL_OPS