1.1.0 • Published 4 years ago

cloud-sockets v1.1.0

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4 years ago


A websocket implementation using ws for nodejs. This project provides the base infrastructure for a WebSocket project with the following features:

  • Defined Message types
  • Customizable Message types
  • PubSub support
  • Event Handling
  • User notifications


npm install --save cloud-sockets


Express middleware definition

Example: basic usage

// WebSocket Server configuration
const wsConfig = {
	server: app,
	port: 8081
// cloud-sockets customization options
const csOptions = {
	ackMessageTypes: ['announce'],
	msgResendDelay: 60000,
	broadcastMessageTypes: ['broadcast']
// Middleware implementation
const cloudSockets = require('cloud-sockets');
app.use(cloudSockets.socketServer(wsConfig, csOptions));
 * @param {string} AddTodo - Channel name. When a channel is subscribed to an event listener with the channel name will be created
 * @param {string} channel - The channel name (i.e. Todo List Name)
 * @param {string} subId,- The ID of a todo list item
 * @param {string} type - The message type
 * @param {any} payload - Your data goes here
global.socketEmitter.emit('AddTodo', 'todoList1234', 'todo1234', 'announce' {
	subject: 'New todo',
	text: 'This is a new todo item description'


The basis behind cloud-sockets is to provide a robust WebSocket Server implementation that allows customization, PubSub Usage and message acknowledgement support. There are a few terms that you should be aware of and the theory around those terms which will be used in this documentation.

  • Channel - This is an organization type where a channel is a category with sub-categories. A channel will have an event listener created to handle messages spawning from an event. It also provides a means for messages to find their target(s).
  • Subscription - This would be a sub-category of a channel. It would probably be an id of some kind. This is an array of WebSocket connections.
  • Message - This is an object that will be passed between WebSocket Server, PubSub and Client. It must follow the interface defined for a message for all of this to function properly.
  • Acknowledgement - Some message types may require acknowledgement from the client that it was received. Messages that require acknowledgement will be resent for a certain amount of time until an acknowledgement is received

WebSocket Middleware

Connection Map

This map provides a way to organize all the server's connections and what channels and subscriptions a certain connection is subscribed to. It's main purpose is for cleanup efforts when a connection is lost. The strucure of this map is Map<WebSocket, {<channel: string,>, <subId: string>[]}>

Event Handler

The event handler is named global.socketEmitter and is an EventEmitter from the nodejs events module. This is your entry point to sending messages from within your application. When a channel is subscribed to, an event listener for that channel is created. Likewise when there are no subscriptions/connections to a channel the event listener is removed.


This class is responsible for managing the flow of messages to and from the server. It is also responsible for maintaining the messages awaiting an acknowledgement. The acknowledgements are stored in a Map<WebSocket, Message[]> structure. The decision to use a Map was because a single websocket could be sent multiple messages from multiple channels.


Some messages you may want to keep retrying until we know a client has received it. This is where acknowledgements come in. If a message type should be acknowledged, we will store that message in the awaiting acknowledgement que which is a Map<WebSocket, Message[]>. As the message is sent to a WebSocket it will be stored in the que with an interval attached to keep retrying until we receive an acknowledgement back from the client it was sent to.

Message structure

A message from the client needs to follow a certain structure in order to be handled properly. If it doesn't follow this structure it'll just be returned to sender. The structure follows the following interface.

Message Properties
  • type - This is required to determine how the message should be handled. There are 6 different types
    • subscribe - Subscribes to a subscription. Requires the channel and subId properties to be defined
    • unsubscribe - Unsubscribes from a subscription. If no channel or subId is provided will unsubscribe the user from all subscriptions. If a channel is provided with no subId will unsubscribe from all subscriptions in the provided channel. If a channel and subId are provided will unsubscribe from just that subscription
    • announce - Sends a message to connections based on the properties provided. If no channel is provided will send to ALL connections. If a channel is provided with no subId will send to all connections for that channel. If a channel and subId is provided will send to all connections that are a part of that subscription.
    • ack - An acknowledgement from the client. Must include the id from the original message
    • getInfo - Provides basic information about the server, connections, channels, subscriptions and messages awaiting acknowledgement
    • getInfoDetail - Provides detailed information about the connections, channels, subscriptions and messages awaiting acknowledgement
    • notification - Used for sending notifications to specific users. Only works if authentication is enabled
    • broadcast - Used for sending a message to all connections on the server
  • channel? - This defines a category of subscriptions
  • subId? - This defines an id for a subscription
  • payload? - This can be any type of data
  • pubsubId? - This is added to a message received via the pubsub
  • id - This is automatically added to every message sent by cloud-sockets
  • sentDateTime - This is automatically added to every message sent by cloud-sockets

MessageDirector API

announce(message: any, channel?: string, subId?: string)

Send a message to a channel, subscription or everyone

  • If no subId is provided, will send a message to all connections for the channel
  • If no channel or subId will send a message to all connections that are subscribed to any channel

formatMessage(message: any)

Will add id and sentDateTime properties to the message, then stringify it and return the stringify results


Will send a message back to originating WebSocket containing information about messages awaiting acknowledgement


Will return the same thing as getInfo but also an array of ids for messages awaiting acknowledgement

handleMsg(ws: WebSocket, message: any)

Route a message based on it's type, channel and subId properties.

sendMessage(ws: WebSocket, message: any)

Send a message to the provided Websocket. Will add an id and sentDateTime properties

subscribe(ws: WebSocket, channel: string, subId: string)

Subscribe the provided WebSocket to a channel subscription

unsubscribe(ws: WebSocket, channel?: string, subId?: string)

Unsubscribe from a channel subscription.

  • If no subId is provided, will unsubscribe from all subscriptions inside a channel
  • If no channel or subId is provided will unsubscribe from all channels


This class is responsible for managing the channel subscriptions and user identification.

Channel Maps

The channel map is used to organize which channels and subscriptions a connection is interested in. The channel map is an object whose key is a channel. The value of the channel is a Map<string, WebSocket[]>. The map's key is a subscription id (subId) and it's value is an array of WebSocket connections. This structure allows us to organize connections in a way that is easily locatable.

// Channel Maps structure
const channelMaps = {
	channelName: { // this is actually a map, not an object
		subscriptionId: [ws]

An example use case for this structure might be: You have a lot of users which may be viewing different parts of an application at the same time and you want to provide real time updates to the lists and items. Lets take a todo app where people can share lists of tasks. You would have a specific list (channel) that multiple people might be viewing lists at the same time. When someone adds or changes an item in that list everyone else's display should just update without the need for a refresh. So the list would be the channel and a list item would be a subscription.

The user map is used to identify a specific user's connections. It is a Map<string, WebSocket[] whose key is a string. This key is derived from the user object and properties defined in theincludeUserProps option. The value is a WebSocket. The main purpose is to support @username type lookups.

WebSocket Server Configuration

The WebSocket server is ws behind the scenes. The configuration options available match those of the ws WebSocket.Server class in that project.

cloud-sockets options

The following options are available for customization of cloud-sockets.

  • ackMessageTypes {string[]} - An array of message types which will require an acknoledgement from the client upon receipt
  • broadcastMessageTypes {string[]} - An array of message types that should send a message to all connections
  • customMsgHandlers {{string, function}} - An object whose key is a message type and value is a function. You may not define a custom handler for any of the default message types. The function will receive 3 arguments: The initiating WebSocket, the message and the instance of the MessageDirector.
  • includeUserProps - If setupHttpUser is true, this must be defined. Is an array of properties found in the user object at request.session.user
  • msgResendDelay {number} - Number of milliseconds to wait before resending a message awaiting acknowledgement
  • pubsubListener {function} - Listener function for your PubSub provider
  • pubsubMessageTypes {string[]} - Array of message types that should be sent through the PubSub topic
  • pubsubPublisher {function} - Function for publishing to your PubSub provider
  • pubsubSubscriptionName {string} - The PubSub subscription name
  • pubsubTopicName {string} - The PubSub topic name
  • setupHttpUser {boolean} - Set to true to add http users who have a cloud-sockets connection
  • includeUserProps {string[]} - Properties from the user object to include as identifiers for that user
  • sessionParser {any} - express-session
  • sessionUserPropertyName {string} - The property in the express request object that contains the user object/id.

Custom Message Handlers

You can define custom message handlers in the cloud-sockets options. These allow you to add your own logic to certain message types. The function provided will be passed 3 arguments: The originating WebSocket, the message and the current instance of the MessageDirector. You can see an example in the custom-handler examples.

Process flow

The entire process of a connection is as follows:

  1. Client connects to server
  2. Server sends a Welcome message to new connection
  3. Client sends a subscribe message to channel "todoList1234" and subId "todo1234"
  4. Message is handed off to the MessageDirector which notifies the ChannelManager
  5. The ChannelManager adds channel "todoList1234" to the channel maps
  6. The ChannelManager adds the senders connection to the connections for subscription with id "todo1234" (see Example A below)
  7. Server creates an event listener for event "todoList1234"
  8. MessageDirector sends a message back to client with a type of ack
  9. A message of type announce is received with channel "todoList1234" and subId "todo1234"
  10. Message is handed off to the MessageDirector
  11. MessageDirector adds id and sentDateTime properties to the message
  12. The message director checks for the channel and subId properties on the message
    1. Has channel and subId properties - Sends to that specific subscription
    2. Has channel property and no subId property - Sends to all connections for supplied channel
    3. No channel or subId properties - Send to all connections
  13. Message director adds the message to the Awaiting Acknowledgement que for each connection the message is sent to (only if message type is in the ackMessageTypes array in the cloud-sockets options) (see Example B below)
    1. Message is resent based on the cloud-sockets options msgResendDelay property until an acknowledgement is received
    2. Client sends message to server with type ack and an id that matches the announce message id
    3. Server hands message off to the MessageDirector
    4. The message director clears the timer for resending the message and removes the message from that connection's awaiting acknowledgement messages
  14. Client sends unsubscribe message to channel "todoList1234"
  15. Server hands message to the ChannelManager
  16. Channel manager removes the connection from all subscriptions for the "todoList1234" channel
  17. Server updates the connections map channels/subscriptions
  18. Client disconnects from server
  19. Server notifies the ChannelManager which removes the disconnected connection from all subscriptions and cleans up any empty subscriptions and channels
  20. Server removes the "todoList1234" event listener
  21. Server removes connection from the connections map

Example A

// I know that the value of "channelMgr.todoList1234" does not match that of a map, but it's the closest visual que I could add to demonstrate that structure
const channelMgr = {
	todoList1234: {
		todo1234: [ws]

Example B

// I know that the value of "awaitingAck" does not match that of a map, but it's the closest visual que I could add to demonstrate that structure
const awaitingAck = {
	ws: [{
		timer: setInterval(() => {...}, options.msgResendDelay),
		msg: {...msg}

How to contribute

Did you find a bug?

  • Ensure the bug was not already reported by searching the GitHub issues
  • If you can't find a bug report, open a new issue. Be sure to include a title and clear description with as much relevant information as possible. Code snippets or test cases demonstrating the problem are most welcome.

Did you write a patch that fixes a bug or adds new features?

Just submit a Pull Request. Ensure the PR description clearly describes the problem and solution. Include the relevant issue number if applicable. Be sure to include unit tests for your change.


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago