0.1.7 • Published 12 years ago

cloudfiles-mirror v0.1.7

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Last release
12 years ago


Utility for keeping directories in sync with Rackspace Cloud Files


  $ npm install cloudfiles-mirror -g

Getting Rackspace Account


Command line usage

  cloudfiles-mirror --help
  Usage: cloudfiles-mirror [options]


  -h, --help            output usage information
  -V, --version         output the version number
  -c, --config [value]  Configuration file
  -l --local [value]    Local directory to mirror
  -r --remote [value]   Remote container
  -b --base [value]     Remote base directory
  -u --user [value]     Rackspace username
  -k --key [value]      Rackspace API key
  --cdn                 Enable CDN support when creating the container
  -m --monitor          Enable monitor the local directory
  -s --servicenet       Enable ServiceNet (unmetered, double throughput) Only within Rackpace servers
  -w --workers <n>      Number of symultaneous parallel workers interacting with the Cloud Servers API
  --show_config         Show current configuration and exits
  --sync_all            Pushes all local files on the first run.


Require the module

    var CloudfilesMirror = require("cloudfiles-mirror");

Create a mirror instance

    var mirror = CloudfilesMirror({
      localPath: './test/fixtures/source_files',
      remoteBase: 'fixtures/',
      container: 'test_mirror',
      auth : {
        username: 'user',
        apiKey: 'key'
      cdnEnabled: true,
      monitor: false,
      pushOnBoot: false,
      servicenet: false // only when running from the same datacenter


Once a cloudfiles-mirror instance is created, you can listen for these events:

    // You will probably want to wait for this event
    // before interacting with the remote Cloud Files account
    mirror.on("ready", function (container_name) {
        console.log(container_name, " is ready for accepting content");


    // When received remote files
    mirror.on("remote.container.files", function (remote_files) { });

    // Triggered whenever a remote file is added
    mirror.on("remote.added", function (remote, local) { });

    // Triggered whenever a remote file is removed
    mirror.on("remote.removed", remote, local);

    // Triggered when scanning the directory when options.pushOnBoot is true
    mirror.on("local.file.found", file, mime, extension, stats);

    // File watcher events
    mirror.on("local.file.created", function (file, mime, extension, stats) {});
    mirror.on("local.file.changed", function (file, mime, extension, stats) {});
    mirror.on("local.file.removed", function (file, mime, extension, stats) {});

API Methods


Pushes all the files on .localPath to the remote cloud


Starts monitoring the .localPath and mirroring changes on the Cloud container


You can define new mime types with

    mirror.mime.define({'text/markdown': ['md', 'markdown']});


  1. Compare local and remote files before pushing them.
  2. Enable deleting files not found on source.
  3. Pre-processor support for optimizing or compiling assets.

Run Tests

All of the cloudservers-mirror tests are written in vows, and cover all of the use cases described above. You will need to add your Rackspace API username and API key to test/fixtures/test-config.json before running tests:

    "auth": {
      "username": "your-username",
      "apiKey": "your-apikey"

Once you have valid Rackspace credentials you can run tests with vows:

  vows test/*-test.js --spec

Author: Bermi Ferrer