1.0.1 • Published 7 months ago

cloudflare-domains-manager v1.0.1

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7 months ago

Cloudflare Domains Manager

This tool is helpful to manage cloudflare domains using a versionated file.

How to use?

Create a folder for your new project:

mkdir test-domains
cd test-domains

Create a new node app:

npm init

Install this package:

npm i cloudflare-domains-manager

Create a index.js with this content:

const CloudflareDomainsManager = require ('cloudflare-domains-manager')

const cdm = new CloudflareDomainsManager();

Create a .env file with your clouflare data:

CF_EMAIL=(your cloudflare email)
CF_KEY= (your cloudflare token)

you can generate your cloudflare token here: https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile/api-tokens

Edit the package.json adding these lines:

  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "update": "node index.js action=update",
    "list": "node index.js action=list"

install the dependencies:

npm install

you can now get a list of your domains with:

npm run list

The configuration file

if it works, you can now create your configuration.yaml file starting with something like:

  - example-lb: &example-lb example-lb.your-infrastructure.com
  - example-lb-ip: &example-lb-ip
  - name: example.com
    zone_id: Y0UR_Z0N3_1D
      - name: example.com
        type: CNAME
        content: *example-lb
        ttl: 1
        proxied: true
      - name: test.example.com
        type: A
        content: *example-lb-ip
        ttl: 1
        proxied: true
      - name: www.example.com
        type: CNAME
        content: *example-lb
        ttl: 1
        proxied: true
      - name: tobedeleted.example.com
        type: CNAME
        deleted: true
        content: *example-lb
        ttl: 1
        proxied: true

In the configuration:

  • ttl=1 is the automatic ttl provided by cloudflare.
  • proxied=true means the record will be proxed by cloudflare system.
  • deleted=true means the record will be delete from cloudflare. Use it only when you need to delete a dns record. You can remove the dns from the yaml after the deletion.

Please use load balancers mapping instead of explicit value in DNS records.

Commands list

  • npm run list: Get the list of all your domains in cloudflare
  • npm run update: Update all your cloudflare domains with the content of configuration.yaml. Domains that don't exist in the file will be ignored
  • npm run update example.com: Update only the domain example.com
  • npm run update example.com --dry-run: Update the domain example.com in dry-run mode (nothing will change in cloudflare)

7 months ago


7 months ago