0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

cloudinary-client v0.0.1

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Last release
4 years ago


(Signed uploading of images to cloudinary API.)

Upload an image to cloudinary. You will need your:


Get Started

  npm i cloudinary-client
 // Create a client

  import { createClient } from "cloudinary-client";
  export const CloudinaryClient = createClient({
      apiKey: API_KEY,
      apiSecret: API_SECRET,
      cloudName: CLOUD_NAME

// Use the client 
import { CloudinaryClient } from "../myfiles/api/cloudinary.js";
 // pass in up to 4 parameters
  CloudinaryClient(e, public_id, format, upload_preset).then(result => handleYourResult(result)).catch(err => handleYourError(err))
 // e, public_id, format, upload_preset,
 // e - the event is required
 // public_id (string) - defaults to the filename and strips the extension - "sample.jpg" becomes "sample"
 // format (string) - defaults to "image" for image uploading
 // upload_preset (string) - defaults to ""


  // Use the client to upload an image to the root folder with current file name
  const handleUpload = (e) => {
     CloudinaryClient(e).then(result => console.dir(result)).catch(err => console.dir(err))
  <input type="file" onChange={handleUpload} />
  // Use the client to upload an image to the root folder and set the saved file name to be "new name"
  const handleUpload = (e) => {
     CloudinaryClient(e, "new name").then(result => console.dir(result)).catch(err => console.dir(err))
   <input type="file" onChange={handleUpload} />

  // Use the client to upload an image to a sub folder "Users" and set the saved file name of file to be "Alex"
  const handleUpload = (e) => {
     CloudinaryClient(e, "Users/Alex").then(result => console.dir(result)).catch(err => console.dir(err))
   <input type="file" onChange={handleUpload} />

  // Use the client with all 4 params
    const handleUpload = (e) => {
     CloudinaryClient(e, "Users/Alex", "video", "custom_preset").then(result => console.dir(result)).catch(err => console.dir(err))
  <input type="file" onChange={handleUpload} />


Setting up an image upload the other day and reading docs etc took longer than expected so once I had this going wanted to package and share, there are more features to be added, will add as I encounter and you can request in the issues and I can try to take a crack at them as time allows.



4 years ago