0.1.0 • Published 11 years ago

cloudup v0.1.0

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Last release
11 years ago

Cloudup CLI

The cloudup cli up(1) allows you to upload files to the cloud with ease.

Cloudup cli Cloudup interactive mode


Install with npm:

$ npm install -g up


$ up config

  Cloudup up(1) one-time configuration requires your
  password, however it is transfered via https
  and is not stored locally. Subsequent operations
  use the auth token generated from this process.

  Username: tobi
  Password: ******


  Usage: up [options] [file ...]


    open                   open matching stream
    copy                   copy matching stream's url
    streams                list streams
    config                 configure up(1)
    help [cmd]             display help for [cmd]


    -h, --help            output usage information
    -V, --version         output the version number
    -t, --title <name>    stream title name
    -s, --stream <id>     upload to the given stream
    -d, --direct          output direct links
    -f, --filename <str>  assign filename to stdin
    -T, --thumb-size <n>  thumbnail size in pixels [600]


Examples illustrating how to use the cloudup command-line tool to upload files and access your account.


Upload a single file, the stream url is copied to your clipboard immediately for sharing, even before the upload has completed.

$ up reflection.png

 reflection.png : 92%
         stream : https://cloudup.com/cHFtYYeB8fJ

Multiple Files

Upload several files at once by passing multiple filenames:

$ up simon-*.png

              simon-1.png : https://cloudup.com/iqd4NLa13ZV
              simon-2.png : https://cloudup.com/iCxBKJZAm36
              simon-3.png : https://cloudup.com/iEzTZXvVRYP
              simon-4.png : https://cloudup.com/iRYA6bLp70E
              simon-5.png : https://cloudup.com/ilMqsXxtTsV
              simon-6.png : https://cloudup.com/ilVngVMMeSd
              simon-7.png : https://cloudup.com/i1Tx8vkIbCC
              simon-8.png : https://cloudup.com/ifUKcaz5I3A
    simon-ball-ocean.png… : https://cloudup.com/iCA5N2PCJJS
    simon-ocean-stick-2.… : 71%
    simon-ocean-stick.pn… : 55%
          simon-ocean.png : 74%
                   stream : https://cloudup.com/c7WwhIwSl6Y


up(1) delivers thumbnails when possible before the files are uploaded, so viewers can see what they're getting before-hand, and progress is updated in real-time.

cloudup cli simon photos

Upload Options

You may optionally provide a stream --title upon upload, otherwise Cloudup will generate one for you based on the content:

$ up ferrets/*.png --title Ferrets

You may also upload to an existing stream by passing --stream:

$ up simon.png --stream c7WwhIwSl6Y

If you prefer direct links you may use --direct:

$ up example.jpeg --direct

  example.jpeg : http://i.cloudup.com/uBuZVUk80lK/SXSc1V.jpeg
        stream : https://cloudup.com/c1rAycLAdHo


List your cloudup streams:

$ up streams 

                    Art (19) https://cloudup.com/cQD5fdgPrU1
                      C (2) https://cloudup.com/c4f5h12Ti1T
                   Cats (3) https://cloudup.com/cVeLe7dWdEH
        Cloudup - light (5) https://cloudup.com/ce4R6fdsQo
                Cluster (3) https://cloudup.com/cQJg8sdf7qO
                 Design (35) https://cloudup.com/c7nHCsd30hhF
  Dolphins intelligence (8) https://cloudup.com/c5Hy71w2fWe
                   EXIF (6) https://cloudup.com/coRcOdfXXiom
              Es6 yield (2) https://cloudup.com/cJWXLX1af2t

Search for streams:

$ up streams australia

   Australia 2013 (63) https://cloudup.com/c_nzIQcjCWo

Copy the first matching stream to the clipboard:

$ up copy australia

Open the first matching stream in your default browser:

$ up open australia

Interactive Mode

The -i or --interactive flag may be used to list streams in an interactive list using the arrow keys to traverse the list. Pressing return will open the stream or item in your default browser.

The up / down arrows for navigating the list, and left / right to view the items or go back to the stream list.

interactive mode


Stream and item links that output to stdout may be opened in the browser by holding down command and double-clicking the url.