0.1.0 • Published 1 year ago

clymene v0.1.0

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1 year ago

Clymene Blockchain Application

Clymene is a next-generation crypto-currency and decentralized application platform, written entirely in JavaScript. It has bond and real estate market place modules




The following dependencies need to be installed in order to run applications created with the clymene SDK:


From NPM

$ npm install -g clymene
$ clymene COMMAND
running command...
$ clymene (-v|--version|version)
clymene/0.0.8-rc-1 linux-x64 node-v12.22.3
$ clymene --help [COMMAND]
  $ clymene COMMAND

Command Topics

Managing clymene Node

To start a clymene node as a background process, we recommend using a process management tool, such as PM2.

Example using PM2

npm i -g pm2
pm2 start "clymene start" --name clymene-mainnet
pm2 status
pm2 logs clymene-mainnet

For a more advanced options refer to PM2 documentation.

Configuring clymene Node

clymene start supports flag and environment variable options to configure a node.

Also, custom configuration through JSON file is available through the --config, -c flag.


With custom config file ./custom-config.json below

  "network": {
    "port": 5000,
  "transactionPool": {
    "maxTransactions": 8096,
    "maxTransactionsPerAccount": 1024,
  "forging": {
    "delegates": [{
      "encryptedPassphrase": "iterations=10&cipherText=0dbd21ac5c154dbb72ce90a4e252a64b692203a4f8e25f8bfa1b1993e2ba7a9bd9e1ef1896d8d584a62daf17a8ccf12b99f29521b92cc98b74434ff501374f7e1c6d8371a6ce4e2d083489&iv=98a89678d1ccd054b85e3b3c&salt=c9cb4e7783cacca6c0e1c210cb9252e1&tag=5c66c5e75a6241538695fb16d8f0cdc9&version=1",
      "hashOnion": {
        "count": 10000,
        "distance": 1000,
        "hashes": [
      "address": "9cabee3d27426676b852ce6b804cb2fdff7cd0b5"
  "plugins": {
    "httpApi": {
      "port": 7000,

Running a command will overwrite the default config and use the specified options.

clymene start -n devnet -c ./custom-config.json

For a more detailed understanding of configuration read this online documentation.


Automated tests

All automated tests will run with the below command.

npm test

Running a local development node

In order to run a node for a local test, in a root folder of clymene, run below command.

./bin/run start -n devnet --data-path ./devnet-data --port 3333 --api-ws --enable-http-api-plugin --http-api-plugin-port 3334 --enable-forger-plugin

This command will start a clymene node using data path ./devent-data with HTTPAPI and Forger Plugins. Data on the node can be obtained by commands like

./bin/run node:info --data-path ./devnet-data
./bin/run block:get 3 --data-path ./devnet-data