2.0.0-alpha.2 • Published 5 years ago

cncjs-controller v2.0.0-alpha.2

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5 years ago

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A controller library for event-based communication between client and CNCjs server

This branch is for CNCjs 2.0.0 or later versions. If you're looking for the previous version (<= 1.9), please visit the v1 branch.


npm install --save cncjs-controller@latest
npm install --save socket.io-client@1.7  # socket.io-client 1.7 is recommended


import io from 'socket.io-client';
import Controller from 'cncjs-controller';

const controller = new Controller(io);
const host = ''; // or ''
const token = '...'; // Authorization token
const options = {
    query: 'token=' + token

controller.connect(host, options, () => {
    const controllerType = 'Grbl'; // Grbl|Smoothie|TinyG
    const connectionType = 'serial'; // serial|socket
    const serialOptions = {
        path: '/dev/cu.wchusbserialfa130',
        baudRate: 115200

    // Open a serial connection
    controller.open(controllerType, connectionType, serialOptions, (err) => {
        if (err) {

        controller.writeln('$$'); // View Grbl Settings

    // Disconnect after 60 seconds
    setTimeout(() => {
        controller.close((err) => {
    }, 60 * 1000);

controller.addListener('connection:open', (options) => {
    const { ident, type, settings } = options;

    if (type === 'serial') {
        const { path, baudRate } = { ...settings };
        console.log(`Connected to ${path} with a baud rate of ${baudRate}`);
    } else if (type === 'socket') {
        const { host, port } = { ...settings };
        console.log(`Connected to ${host}:${port}');

controller.addListener('connection:close', (options) => {
    const { type, settings } = options;

    console.log(`Connection closed: type=${type}, settings=${JSON.stringify(settings)}`);

controller.addListener('connection:write', (data, context) => {
    console.log('>', data);

controller.addListener('connection:read', (data) => {
    console.log('<', data);

API Events

CNCjs Events

Event: 'startup'

  • data (Object) data object
  • data.availableControllers (Array) a list of all available controllers

Fired upon system startup.

Event: 'config:change'

Fired whenever config changes.

Event: 'task:start'

  • taskId (String) task id

Fired when a task is started.

Event: 'task:finish'

  • taskId (String) task id
  • code (Number) exit code

Fired when a task is finished.

Event: 'task:error'

  • taskId (String) task id
  • error (Object) error object

Fired when an error occurred.

Event: 'controller:type'

  • type (String) controller type

Fired when the controller type changes.

Event: 'controller:settings'

  • type (String) controller type
  • settings (Object) controller settings

Fired when the controller settings changes.

Event: 'controller:state'

  • type (String) controller type
  • state (Object) controller state

Fired when the controller state changes.

Event: 'connection:open'

  • options (Object) connection options

Fired upon a connection open.

Event: 'connection:close'

  • options (Object) connection options

Fired upon a connection close.

Event: 'connection:change'

  • options (Object) connection options
  • isOpen (Boolean) True if the connection is open, flase otherwise.

Fired upon a connection change.

Event: 'connection:error'

  • options (Object) connection options
  • error(Object) error object

Fired upon a connection error.

Event: 'connection:read'

  • options (Object) connection options
  • data (String) data to read

Fired once a line is received from the connection.

Event: 'connection:write'

  • options (Object) connection options
  • data (String) data to write
  • context (Object) associated context information

Fired when writing data to the connection.

Event: 'feeder:status'

  • status (Object) feeder status

Fired when the feeder status changes.

Event: 'sender:status'

  • status (Object) sender status

Fired when the sender status changes.

Event: 'sender:load'

  • data (String) data to load
  • context (Object) associated context information

Fired when a G-code program is loaded.

Event: 'sender:unload'

Fired when a G-code program is unloaded.

Event: 'workflow:state'

  • state (String) workflow state

Fired when the workflow state changes.

Event: 'message'

  • message (String) message string

Fired when the server sends message to the client.

Socket.IO Events

Event: 'connect'

Fired upon a connection including a successful reconnection.

Event: 'connect_error'

  • error (Object) error object

Fired upon a connection error.

Event: 'connect_timeout'

Fired upon a connection timeout.

Event: 'error'

  • error (Object) error object

Fired when an error occurs.

Event: 'disconnect'

  • reason (String) either 'io server disconnect' or 'io client disconnect'

Fired upon a disconnection.

Event: 'reconnect'

  • attempt (Number) reconnection attempt number

Fired upon a successful reconnection.

Event: 'reconnect_attempt'

Fired upon an attempt to reconnect.

Event: 'reconnecting'

  • attempt (Number) reconnection attempt number

Fired upon a successful reconnection.

Event: 'reconnect_error'

Fired upon a reconnection attempt error.

Event: 'reconnect_failed'

Fired when couldn't reconnect within reconnectionAttempts.

API Methods

connect(host = '', options, callback)

Establish a connection to the server.


  1. host (string):
  2. options (object):
  3. callback (function): The callback function.


Disconnect from the server.


  1. callback (function): The callback function.

addListener(eventName, listener)

Adds the listener function to the end of the listeners array for the event named eventName.


  1. eventName (string): The name of the event.
  2. listener (function): The listener function.

removeListener(eventName, listener)

Removes the specified listener from the listener array for the event named eventName.


  1. eventName (string): The name of the event.
  2. listener (function): The listener function.

open(controllerType, connectionType, options, callback)

Opens a connection.


  1. controllerType (string): One of: 'Grbl', 'Smoothe', 'TinyG'.
  2. connectionType (string): One of: 'serial', 'socket'.
  3. options (object): The options object.
  4. options.path (string): serial The serial port referenced by the path.
  5. options.baudRate=115200 (string): serial The baud rate.
  6. options.host (string): socket The host address to connect.
  7. options.port=23 (string): socket The port number.
  8. callback (string): Called after a connection is opened.


Closes an open connection.


  1. callback (string): Called once a connection is closed.

command(cmd, ...args)

Executes a command on the server.


  1. cmd (string): The command to execute.

write(data, [context)

Writes data to the open connection.


  1. data (string): The data to write.
  2. context (object): The associated context information.

writeln(data, context)

Writes data and a newline character to the open connection.


  1. data (string): The data to write.
  2. context (object): The associated context information.


Gets a list of available serial ports.


  1. callback (function): The error-first callback.


Gets a list of supported baud rates.


  1. callback (function): The error-first callback.


Gets the machine state.


(string|number): Returns the machine state.


Gets the machine position.


(object): Returns a position object which contains x, y, z, a, b, and c properties.


Gets the work position.


(object): Returns a position object which contains x, y, z, a, b, and c properties.


Gets modal state.


(object): Returns the modal state.

API Properties

connectedbooleanWhether the client is connected to the server.
availableControllersarrayA list of available controllers.
typestringThe controller type. One of: Grbl, Smoothie, TinyG.
settingsobjectThe controller settings.
stateobjectThe controller state.
connectionobjectThe connection object.
connection.identstringThe connection identifier.
connection.typestringThe connection type. One of: serial, socket.
connection.settingsobjectThe connection settings.serial: { path, baudRate }socket: { host, port }
workflowobjectThe workflow object.
workflow.statestringThe workflow state. One of: idle, paused, running.
