1.4.0 • Published 2 years ago

co-carrousels v1.4.0

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2 years ago


Co-Carrousels is a simple tool for make image Carousels on React.js. We are start. This is a original project of Samuel :)


We have two Carousels types for you.

Carousel for Full page

This carousel is designed so that you can use it completely on your screen. With full screen we mean that it uses the width: 100% and the height: 100vh; You can add more content below according to your needs.

This is a Fullpage Carousel

Small Carousel

This carousel is designed to be placed anywhere in React, you can fill spaces with small carousels to diversify the content a bit more, it's a nice minimalist design.

You can place the number of carousels you want without affecting performance and also that each carousel works independently.

This is a Normal Carousel


To start using the library, we must install the package with our npm command make sure you have formatted your styles so you don't have any conflicts with the styles of the carousels

$ npm install co-carrousels

Once the module is installed it is time to start using the carousels

The module provides you 3 functions to import FullCarrousel, SmallCarrousel and CoImage

The Full Carrousel, Small Carrousel modules are the container components of the images that will contain

use this module if you want to use screen carousel

import { FullCarrousel, CoImage } from "co-carrousels";

export default function MyComponent() {
    return (
            <FullCarrousel controls="true">
                <CoImage src="imagePath" alt="" />
                <CoImage src="imagePath" alt="" />
                <CoImage src="imagePath" alt="" />

                {/*More images*/}

the controls attribute receives true and false, with this attribute you can decide whether or not to show the buttons to change the images

Use this module if you want to use the small carousel that you can use anywhere in your application

import { SmallCarrousel, CoImage } from "co-carrousels";

export default function MyComponent() {
    return (
            <SmallCarrousel borderRadius="12px" controls="true">
                <CoImage src="imagePath" alt="" />
                <CoImage src="imagePath" alt="" />
                <CoImage src="imagePath" alt="" />

                {/*More images*/}

the borderRadius attribute allows you to put a rounded border to your carousel, you just have to put the amount in pixels as if it were CSS


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago