0.9.4 • Published 6 years ago

codegen-handlebars-templates-scripts v0.9.4

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6 years ago

Script utils for Handlebars Templates

Create GraphQL Codegen templates easily with this Handlebars.

This package exposes a CLI util called codegen-handlebars-templates-scripts which allow you to easily create a GraphQL Codegen Template project, and built it without dealing with external utils.

To get started with this package, install it globally, or as local dependency inside an existing directory:

$ yarn global add codegen-handlebars-templates-scripts

Then, to start a new project, create a directory for your template project:

$ mkdir my-codegen-template
$ cd my-codegen-template

Now, run the following command inside your directory:

yarn codegen-handlebars-templates-scripts init

If some files such as package.json are already exists in this dir, please use --overwrite to make sure it changes it as well.

Now, install the boilerplate dependencies by running:


The CLI util will create the boilerplate for you, so all you have to do it to write your own templates under src/ and defined it in config.ts file.

Testing your template locally

To test your template locally, you can either test it on a real project and use --template and point it to your development directory (make sure to build it before).

Or, take a look at the tests directory and see the unit-tests examples. To run these test just use yarn test.

Building and Publishing your template

This package comes with a built-in build command.

All you have to do is to run yarn build inside your project directory, in order to build it.

To publish your package, just use npm publish - everything else it already set for you.


This file is in charge of configuration and declaration of your templates.


Allowed values: EInputType.SINGLE_FILE, EInputType.MULTIPLE_FILES

inputType defined the template input type of the generator, and also declares the generator output.

For example, we have TypeScript generators for both single and multiple files.

The input type field effects the rest of the fields:


When using SINGLE_FILE, you must specify the main template name, with a key called index, and this will be the root of your app.

You also need to specify the outFile of the package, which is the default file name in case of output filename was not specified through the CLI.


When using MULTIPLE_FILES, you need to specify a template for each available compilation context (refer to templates section for the list of available contexts).

You also need to specify the filesExtension for the generated files.


templates field should contains an object, where the key is the name of the template, and the value is a string.

There are special context types for templates, and each type of templates will compile with a different context:

  • index: use with SINGLE_FILE to declare the main entry point of the generated file, compiled with a merged object, containing all SchemaTemplateContext and Document fields.
  • type: use with MULTIPLE_FILES to declare that this template belongs to GraphQL schema type, this template will compile with each type in your schema.
  • inputType: use with MULTIPLE_FILES to declare that this template belongs to GraphQL schema input, this template will compile with each input type in your schema.
  • union: use with MULTIPLE_FILES to declare that this template belongs to GraphQL schema union, this template will compile with each union in your schema.
  • scalar: use with MULTIPLE_FILES to declare that this template belongs to GraphQL schema scalar, this template will compile with each scalar in your schema.
  • enum: use with MULTIPLE_FILES to declare that this template belongs to GraphQL schema enum, this template will compile with each enum in your schema.
  • interface: use with MULTIPLE_FILES to declare that this template belongs to GraphQL schema interface, this template will compile with each interface in your schema.
  • operation: use with MULTIPLE_FILES to declare that this template belongs to GraphQL operation (query/mutation/subsription), this template will compile with Operation context.
  • fragment: use with MULTIPLE_FILES to declare that this template belongs to GraphQL fragment, this template will compile with Fragment context.
  • schema: use with MULTIPLE_FILES to compile with SchemaTemplateContext.
  • documents: use with MULTIPLE_FILES to compile with all operations, the context will be Document.
  • all: same as to index.

Also, all templates specified under templates will be loaded as Handlebars template partials, so you can use it any time inside other templates, for example, the following templates definitions:

const config = {
  // ...
  templates: {
    index: '{{>selectionSet}}',
    selectionSet: 'Hello'
  // ...

The index template loads selectionSet template, and it can also provide a context for the specific partial:

const config = {
  // ...
  templates: {
    index: '{{>selectionSet types}}',
    selectionSet: '{{#each this }} Type name: {{ name }}{{/each}}'
  // ...

You can also load a template from itself, and create a recursive generation of the template.


Type flattening is a useful feature when generation a template, when true is specified, the generator will return a flatten version of the GraphQL selection set when using inner types.

For example, let's take a look in the following GraphQL schema and query:

type NameFields {
  firstName: String
  lastName: String

type User {
  name: NameFields
  email: String
  age: Int

type Query {
  me: User

schema {
  query: Query
query myQuery {
  user {
    me {

This query uses multiple levels of selection set (user > name > firstName), but when adding flattenTypes: true, the generator will append a new field to the operation/fragment context, called innerModels, and it this case it will contains the following:

        schemaBaseType: 'User',
        modelType: 'Me',
        fields: [ ... ] // Original SelectionSetFieldNode from the operation
        // .. more fields
        schemaBaseType: 'NameFields',
        modelType: 'Name',
        fields: [ ... ] // Original SelectionSetFieldNode from the operation
        // .. more fields

So the two available levels of selection set were flatten into a single level, so you can generate you whole selection set in a single iteration.

The modelType becomes the name of the selection set field, because we use only part of the available fields (for example, the query only asks for part of the User fields), so we can't use the actual GraphQL type from the schema - so each selection set creates new "types", and the usage in the selection set also changes, so the type of me is not User - it's Me.

The actual compilation context when using flattenTypes: true is available here.


Specify primitives object map to replace the original GraphQL built-in types to a language-specific primitives.

For example, GraphQL type of String is actually a string in TypeScript.


Use with SINGLE_FILE, specify the default filename for the generated file.


Use with MULTIPLE_FILES, specify the file extension for the generated files.


With customHelpers you can add custom helpers that executes with your custom templates.

Provide an object with key as the name of the helper, and a Function for the helper execution. you can also specify a path to a local JavaScript file.