1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

codes-gen v1.0.0

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3 years ago


Customizable random codes generator to use for example generating giftcards codes


$ npm install random-code 


You can crete a random codes object with your own config array

var RandomCode = require('random-code');
var RandomCode = new RandomCode(config);

Code creation

var code = randomcode.generate();
// >> 'S5RU-1K1U-F77Z'

Code validation

The validation function gets a user input and returns it formatted as defined by the config array

var validated_code = randomcode.validate('S5RU-1K1U-F77Z');
// >> 'S5RU-1K1U-F77Z'
var validated_code = randomcode.validate('S5RU1K1UF77Z');
// >> 'S5RU-1K1U-F77Z'
var validated_code = randomcode.validate('s5ru-1k1u-f77z');
// >> 'S5RU-1K1U-F77Z'
var validated_code = randomcode.validate('s5ru1k1uf77z');
// >> 'S5RU-1K1U-F77Z'

Code masking

var masked_code = randomcode.mask('S5RU-1K1U-F77Z');
// >> '****-****-F77Z'


You can modify any parameter in the config array, the default one is:

var config = {
    // A string containing available chars
    // Separator char used to divide code parts
    separator: '-',
    // Char used to mask code
    mask: '*',
    // Number of parts the code contains
    parts: 3,
    // Size of each part
    part_size: 4,
    // Function used to get a random char from the chars pool 
    // (Please use a better one) 
    getChar: function (pool) {
        var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * pool.length);
        return pool.charAt(random);

Keep in mind that the validate function assumes that you only use upper case letters to generate codes and only checks for '-' as separator.