1.0.1 • Published 8 years ago

coffee-colors v1.0.1

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8 years ago


Coffee colors is a simple and light class that lets you manipulate colors,convert them between the most widely spread formats and even generate color palettes.


The Color constructor is at the core of this mini-library, being the only globally scoped variable to come out of it. To start things off, you can create a new color like so:

var color= new Color({r: 161, g: 234, b: 0});

This instantiates a new Color object, which, in addition to all it's methods, will also have r, g and b properties. To change the current color of the object, you can use the set method.


Note that we use a hex string, instead of an RBG object this time. The color detects the format of the passed item, and sets itself accordingly. Despite setting a hex value this time, you'll find that the object has simply changed it's r, g and b properties. Colors are always kept stored as RGB, for clarity's sake.

It's not advised to retrieve properties directly by calling them like so:

var red= color.r;

To get a color, call the to method. It takes two parameters, the second of which is optional. Firstly you need to pass it a format in which you expect your color. You can also specify if said data should be returned as an object, or as a formatted string, by passing a second boolean parameter. The only exception is 'hex', which cannot be an object and will also be returned as a string.

var rgb= color.to('rgb') // { r: 69, g: 165, b: 245 }
var hex= color.to('hex') // '#45A5F5'
var rgb= color.to('hsl', true) // 'hsl(0.58,0.9,0.62)'

Once a color is instantiated, you can check it's brightness:

color.brightness(); //=> 0.92

Get or set it's alpha:

color.alpha(); // => 1
color.alpha(0.6); // => 0.6
color.to('rgb', true); // => 'rgba(69, 165, 245, 0.6)'

Or get it's temperature. Temperature means whether the color is cold or warm.

color.temperature(); // => 'cold'


The following formats and ways of declaring and requesting methods exist.

RGB{ r:255, g:255, b:255 }'rgb(255, 255, 255)'
HSL{ h:360, s:100, l:100 }'hsl(360, 100, 100)'
HSV{ h:360, s:100, v:100 }'hsv(360, 100, 100)'
CMYK{ c:1, m:1, y:1, k:1 }'cmyk(1, 1, 1, 1)'


The Color constructor has several static method, some of which are used to execute conversions. The choice to keep them static, and not members of Color instances was to save memory as most of the methods need a color to be passed to them anyway. In fact the to method of Color instances simply calls one of the conversion functions, and passes the this as the first argument.

The conversion methods are split into two types. Conversions from RGB to another format, and from another format to RGB. The only exception being formatRgb, which can be used to convert formatted values to unformatted ones and vice versa. The way to use these conversion methods is pretty straightforward.

var color= new Color('#4fa2cc');
Color.rgbToHsl(color, true); // => "hsl(200,55%,55%)"
Color.hexToRgb(color.to('hex')); // => {r: 79, g: 162, b: 204}

While it's not wrong to use the static method, especially when you don't want to create new Color objects, it's generally tidier to use instances and to.

###Color theory

There are a few methods that serve a more artistic purpose. What's unique about them, other than their intended use, is the fact that they're featured both as static methods on the Color constructor, as well as methods on Color instances. The currently available ones are:

angle(color, deg) - Adds a given amount of degrees to a color. Rotating it's hue on the color wheel. This method is actually used to implement all color theory methods, and heavily relies on the HSV color format.

analogous(color) - Returns the analogous or adjacent colors (30deg, -30deg) of a given color.

complementary(color) - Applies the angle method, using exactly 180 degrees. Meaning that the exact opposite hue on the color wheel is chosen.

triad(color) - Applies the angle method once with 120 degrees and again with -120, to get three equally spaced colors on the wheel.

splitComplementary(color) - Applies the angle method once with 150 and again with -150 degrees.

square(color) - Applies the angle method three times, forming a square with the initial color.

balanced(color, segments) - Splits the color wheel into equal segments, and returns an array of all the split point colors.

var color= new Color('#2251a8');
color.complementary(); // => {r: 168, g: 121, b: 34}
Color.complementary(color); // => {r: 168, g: 121, b: 34} as well