1.1.2 • Published 5 years ago

collection-core v1.1.2

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5 years ago


NOTE: collection-core has been deprecated in favor of @esfx/collection-core and @esfx/collection-core-shim. Please update your references.

The collection-core package provides a low-level Symbol-based API for defining common collection characteristics.



npm i collection-core


Basic Usage

import { Collection } from "collection-core";

class MyCollection {
    constructor() {
        this._items = new Set();

    // Your implementation
    get count() { return this._items.size; }
    contains(value) { return this._items.has(value); }
    add(value) { this._items.add(value); }
    remove(value) { return this._items.delete(value); }
    clear() { this._items.clear(); }

    // Implement the `Collection` interface for cross-library consistency
    get [Collection.size]() { return this.count; }
    [Collection.has](value) { return this.contains(value); }
    [Collection.add](value) { this.add(value); }
    [Collection.delete](value) { return this.remove(value); }
    [Collection.clear]() { this.clear(); }
    [Symbol.iterator]() { return this._items.values(); }

Global Shim

The global shim adds a default implementation the collection interfaces to the following global objects:

  • Array implements:
    • ReadonlyCollection
    • Collection
    • ReadonlyIndexedCollection
    • FixedSizeIndexedCollection
    • IndexedCollection
  • Uint8Array implements:
    • ReadonlyCollection
    • ReadonlyIndexedCollection
    • FixedSizeIndexedCollection
  • Uint8ClampedArray implements:
    • ReadonlyCollection
    • ReadonlyIndexedCollection
    • FixedSizeIndexedCollection
  • Uint16Array implements:
    • ReadonlyCollection
    • ReadonlyIndexedCollection
    • FixedSizeIndexedCollection
  • Uint32Array implements:
    • ReadonlyCollection
    • ReadonlyIndexedCollection
    • FixedSizeIndexedCollection
  • Int8Array implements:
    • ReadonlyCollection
    • ReadonlyIndexedCollection
    • FixedSizeIndexedCollection
  • Int16Array implements:
    • ReadonlyCollection
    • ReadonlyIndexedCollection
    • FixedSizeIndexedCollection
  • Int32Array implements:
    • ReadonlyCollection
    • ReadonlyIndexedCollection
    • FixedSizeIndexedCollection
  • Float32Array implements:
    • ReadonlyCollection
    • ReadonlyIndexedCollection
    • FixedSizeIndexedCollection
  • Float64Array implements:
    • ReadonlyCollection
    • ReadonlyIndexedCollection
    • FixedSizeIndexedCollection
  • BigUint64Array implements:
    • ReadonlyCollection
    • ReadonlyIndexedCollection
    • FixedSizeIndexedCollection
  • BigInt64Array implements:
    • ReadonlyCollection
    • ReadonlyIndexedCollection
    • FixedSizeIndexedCollection
  • Set implements:
    • ReadonlyCollection
    • Collection
  • Map implements:
    • ReadonlyKeyedCollection
    • KeyedCollection

To install the global shim, import collection-core/global:

import "collection-core/global"; // triggers global-scope side effects

[1, 2, 3][Collection.size]; // 3


  • ReadonlyCollection - The minimal set of operations needed to read from a collection.
  • Collection - The minimal set of operations needed to read from and write to a collection.
  • ReadonlyIndexedCollection - The minimal set of operations needed to read from an integer-indexed collection.
  • FixedSizeIndexedCollection - The minimal set of operations needed to read from or write to an integer-indexed collection where the size may be fixed (such as with Typed Arrays).
  • IndexedCollection - The minimal set of operations needed to read from or write to an integer-indexed collection.
  • ReadonlyKeyedCollection - The minimal set of operations needed to read from a keyed collection.
  • KeyedCollection - The minimal set of operations needed to read from or write to a keyed collection.


export interface ReadonlyCollection<T> extends Iterable<T> {
   * Gets the number of elements in the collection.
  readonly [ReadonlyCollection.size]: number;

   * Tests whether an element is present in the collection.
  [ReadonlyCollection.has](value: T): boolean;

export declare namespace ReadonlyCollection {
   * A well-known symbol used to define the `ReadonlyCollection#[ReadonlyCollection.size]` property.
  export const size: unique symbol;

   * A well-known symbol used to define the `ReadonlyCollection#[ReadonlyCollection.has]` method.
  export const has: unique symbol;

   * Tests whether a value supports the minimal representation of a `ReadonlyCollection`.
  export function isReadonlyCollection<T>(value: Iterable<T>): value is ReadonlyCollection<T>;
   * Tests whether a value supports the minimal representation of a `ReadonlyCollection`.
  export function isReadonlyCollection(value: any): value is ReadonlyCollection<unknown>;


export interface Collection<T> extends ReadonlyCollection<T> {
   * Adds an element to the collection.
  [Collection.add](value: T): void;

   * Deletes an element from the collection.
  [Collection.delete](value: T): boolean;

   * Clears the collection.
  [Collection.clear](): void;

export declare namespace Collection {
  // from ReadonlyCollection<T>
  export import size = ReadonlyCollection.size;
  export import has = ReadonlyCollection.has;
  export import isReadonlyCollection = ReadonlyCollection.isReadonlyCollection;

   * A well-known symbol used to define the `Collection#[Collection.add]` method.
  export const add: unique symbol;

   * A well-known symbol used to define the `Collection#[Collection.clear]` method.
  export const clear: unique symbol;

   * A well-known symbol used to define the `Collection#[Collection.delete]` method.
  const _delete: unique symbol;
  export { _delete as delete };

   * Tests whether a value supports the minimal representation of a `Collection`.
  export function isCollection<T>(value: Iterable<T>): value is Collection<T>;
   * Tests whether a value supports the minimal representation of a `Collection`.
  export function isCollection(value: any): value is Collection<unknown>;


export interface ReadonlyIndexedCollection<T> extends ReadonlyCollection<T> {
   * Gets the index for a value in the collection, or `-1` if the value was not found.
  [ReadonlyIndexedCollection.indexOf](value: T, fromIndex?: number): number;

   * Gets the value at the specified index in the collection, or `undefined` if the index was outside
   * of the bounds of the collection.
  [ReadonlyIndexedCollection.getAt](index: number): T | undefined;

export declare namespace ReadonlyIndexedCollection {
  // from ReadonlyCollection<T>
  export import size = ReadonlyCollection.size;
  export import has = ReadonlyCollection.has;
  export import isReadonlyCollection = ReadonlyCollection.isReadonlyCollection;

   * A well-known symbol used to define the `ReadonlyIndexedCollection#[ReadonlyIndexedCollection.indexOf]`
   * method.
  export const indexOf: unique symbol;

   * A well-known symbol used to define the `ReadonlyIndexedCollection#[ReadonlyIndexedCollection.getAt]`
   * method.
  export const getAt: unique symbol;

   * Tests whether a value supports the minimal representation of a `ReadonlyIndexedCollection`.
  export function isReadonlyIndexedCollection<T>(value: Iterable<T>): value is ReadonlyIndexedCollection<T>;
   * Tests whether a value supports the minimal representation of a `ReadonlyIndexedCollection`.
  export function isReadonlyIndexedCollection(value: unknown): value is ReadonlyIndexedCollection<unknown>;


export interface FixedSizeIndexedCollection<T> extends ReadonlyIndexedCollection<T> {
   * Sets a value at the specified index in the collection.
   * @returns `true` if the value was set at the provided index, otherwise `false`.
  [FixedSizeIndexedCollection.setAt](index: number, value: T): boolean;

export declare namespace FixedSizeIndexedCollection {
  // from ReadonlyCollection<T>
  export import size = ReadonlyCollection.size;
  export import has = ReadonlyCollection.has;
  export import isReadonlyCollection = ReadonlyCollection.isReadonlyCollection;

  // from ReadonlyIndexedCollection<T>
  export import indexOf = ReadonlyIndexedCollection.indexOf;
  export import getAt = ReadonlyIndexedCollection.getAt;
  export import isReadonlyIndexedCollection = ReadonlyIndexedCollection.isReadonlyIndexedCollection;

   * A well-known symbol used to define the `FixedSizeIndexedCollection#[FixedSizeIndexedCollection.setAt]`
   * method.
  export const setAt: unique symbol;

   * Tests whether a value supports the minimal representation of a `FixedSizeIndexedCollection`.
  export function isFixedSizeIndexedCollection<T>(value: Iterable<T>): value is FixedSizeIndexedCollection<T>;
   * Tests whether a value supports the minimal representation of a `FixedSizeIndexedCollection`.
  export function isFixedSizeIndexedCollection(value: unknown): value is FixedSizeIndexedCollection<unknown>;


export interface IndexedCollection<T> extends FixedSizeIndexedCollection<T>, Collection<T> {
   * Inserts a value at the specified index in the collection, shifting any following elements to the right
   * one position.
  [IndexedCollection.insertAt](index: number, value: T): void;

   * Removes the value at the specified index in the collection, shifting any following elements to the left
   * one position.
  [IndexedCollection.removeAt](index: number): void;

export declare namespace IndexedCollection {
  // from ReadonlyCollection<T>
  export import size = ReadonlyCollection.size;
  export import has = ReadonlyCollection.has;
  export import isReadonlyCollection = ReadonlyCollection.isReadonlyCollection;

  // from ReadonlyIndexedCollection<T>
  export import indexOf = ReadonlyIndexedCollection.indexOf;
  export import getAt = ReadonlyIndexedCollection.getAt;
  export import isReadonlyIndexedCollection = ReadonlyIndexedCollection.isReadonlyIndexedCollection;

  // from FixedSizeIndexedCollection<T>
  export import setAt = FixedSizeIndexedCollection.setAt;
  export import isFixedSizeIndexedCollection = FixedSizeIndexedCollection.isFixedSizeIndexedCollection;

  // from Collection<T>
  export import add = Collection.add;
  export import clear = Collection.clear;
  export import isCollection = Collection.isCollection;
  const _delete: typeof Collection.delete;
  export { _delete as delete };

   * A well-known symbol used to define the `IndexedCollection#[IndexedCollection.insertAt]` method.
  export const insertAt: unique symbol;

   * A well-known symbol used to define the `IndexedCollection#[IndexedCollection.removeAt]` method.
  export const removeAt: unique symbol;

   * Tests whether a value supports the minimal representation of an `IndexedCollection`.
  export function isIndexedCollection<T>(value: Iterable<T>): value is IndexedCollection<T>;
   * Tests whether a value supports the minimal representation of an `IndexedCollection`.
  export function isIndexedCollection(value: unknown): value is IndexedCollection<unknown>;


export interface ReadonlyKeyedCollection<K, V> extends Iterable<[K, V]> {
   * Gets the number of elements in the collection.
  readonly [ReadonlyKeyedCollection.size]: number;

   * Tests whether a key is present in the collection.
  [ReadonlyKeyedCollection.has](key: K): boolean;

   * Gets the value in the collection associated with the provided key, if it exists.
  [ReadonlyKeyedCollection.get](key: K): V | undefined;

   * Gets an `IterableIterator` for the keys present in the collection.
  [ReadonlyKeyedCollection.keys](): IterableIterator<K>;

   * Gets an `IterableIterator` for the values present in the collection.
  [ReadonlyKeyedCollection.values](): IterableIterator<V>;

export declare namespace ReadonlyKeyedCollection {
   * A well-known symbol used to define the `ReadonlyKeyedCollection#[ReadonlyKeyedCollection.size]` property.
  export const size: unique symbol;

   * A well-known symbol used to define the `ReadonlyKeyedCollection#[ReadonlyKeyedCollection.has]` method.
  export const has: unique symbol;

   * A well-known symbol used to define the `ReadonlyKeyedCollection#[ReadonlyKeyedCollection.get]` method.
  export const get: unique symbol;

   * A well-known symbol used to define the `ReadonlyKeyedCollection#[ReadonlyKeyedCollection.keys]` method.
  export const keys: unique symbol;

   * A well-known symbol used to define the `ReadonlyKeyedCollection#[ReadonlyKeyedCollection.values]` method.
  export const values: unique symbol;

   * Tests whether a value supports the minimal representation of a `ReadonlyKeyedCollection`.
  export function isReadonlyKeyedCollection<K, V>(value: Iterable<[K, V]>): value is ReadonlyKeyedCollection<K, V>;
   * Tests whether a value supports the minimal representation of a `ReadonlyKeyedCollection`.
  export function isReadonlyKeyedCollection(value: unknown): value is ReadonlyKeyedCollection<unknown, unknown>;


export interface KeyedCollection<K, V> extends ReadonlyKeyedCollection<K, V> {
   * Sets a value in the collection for the provided key.
  [KeyedCollection.set](key: K, value: V): void;

   * Deletes a key and its associated value from the collection.
   * @returns `true` if the key was found and removed; otherwise, `false`.
  [KeyedCollection.delete](key: K): boolean;

   * Clears the collection.
  [KeyedCollection.clear](): void;

export declare namespace KeyedCollection {
  // from ReadonlyKeyedCollection<K, V>
  export import size = ReadonlyKeyedCollection.size;
  export import has = ReadonlyKeyedCollection.has;
  export import get = ReadonlyKeyedCollection.get;
  export import keys = ReadonlyKeyedCollection.keys;
  export import values = ReadonlyKeyedCollection.values;
  export import isReadonlyKeyedCollection = ReadonlyKeyedCollection.isReadonlyKeyedCollection;

   * A well-known symbol used to define the `KeyedCollection#[KeyedCollection.set]` method.
  export const set: unique symbol;

   * A well-known symbol used to define the `KeyedCollection#[KeyedCollection.delete]` method.
  const _delete: unique symbol;
  export { _delete as delete };

   * A well-known symbol used to define the `KeyedCollection#[KeyedCollection.clear]` method.
  export const clear: unique symbol;

   * Tests whether a value supports the minimal representation of a `KeyedCollection`.
  export function isKeyedCollection<K, V>(value: Iterable<[K, V]>): value is KeyedCollection<K, V>;
   * Tests whether a value supports the minimal representation of a `KeyedCollection`.
  export function isKeyedCollection(value: unknown): value is KeyedCollection<unknown, unknown>;