5.0.0 • Published 9 years ago

color-ranger v5.0.0

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9 years ago

C O L O R − R A N G E R  renders a color range for a color in rectangular or polar coordinate system by manipulating ImageData’s buffer. It is primarily needed for building color pickers.

Test & demo, color picker.

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var colorRanger = require('color-ranger');

//create a canvas
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = 50;
canvas.height = 50;
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

imageData.data = colorRanger.render([0, 255, 255], imageData.data, {
	type: 'polar',
	space: 'hsl',
	channel: [0, 1]

//put image data back to canvas
context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
document.documentElement.style.background = 'url(' + canvas.toDataURL() + ') 0 0 / cover';


ranger.render(color, buffer, options)

Render rectangular or polar range into an imageData’s buffer. Size of the final image is taken such that it fills the whole imageData area.

colorArrayAn array of input values, defined in sourceSpace - rgb by default.
bufferUint8ClampedArrayAn imageData.data object to which render the range.
options.spacestringA color space name for the range taken from the color-space module. E. g. 'hsl'.
options.channelArrayAn array of x/y space channel indexes. E. g. [0,2] from 'hsv' are hue and value channels. One of the channels can be omitted, e. g. [null, 1] means render saturation by y-axis.
options.min, options.maxArrayArrays of left and right values for the range, corresponding to the channels in x/y axis.
options.typeStringRender whether polar, rect or chess.
options.sourceSpaceStringIf you have color in a space different from rgb, pass the sourceSpace.

ranger.chess(colorA, colorB, buffer)

Render a chess grid, useful for transparency grid image rendering. Grid size is automatically figured out from the imageData size.

colorAArrayBlack cell color.
colorBArrayWhite cell color.
bufferUint8ClampedArrayAn ImageData object into which to render grid.


Return worker for workerify, able to render range in a background.

var work = require('webworkify');
var worker = work(require('color-ranger/worker'));

worker.addEvenListener('message', function(evt){
	if (evt.data.id !== 1) return;

	//image data buffer is returned as `event.data.data`
	imageData.data = evt.data.data;
	context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);

	document.body.style.background = 'url(' + canvas.toDataURL() + ') 0 0 / cover';

	color: [255, 255, 255],
	type: 'polar',
	space: 'lab',
	sourceSpace: 'rgb'
	channel: [0,1],
	max: [360, 100],
	min: [0, 100],
	data: imageData,
	id: 1

Worker gets all the parameters of .render, with additional option id, an id of request to identify in response.