color-supreme v0.1.4
A powerful library for extracting dominant colors from images. It uses the k-means clustering algorithm to analyze the colors in an image and identify the most dominant ones, making it ideal for a range of applications such as image processing, data visualization, and search algorithms.
yarn add color-supreme
npm install color-supreme --save
import { getDominantColors, rgbToHex } from "color-supreme";
import { getImageFromUrl } from "pixel-paradise";
export const getColors = async (url: string, colors = 5) => {
const pixels = await getImageFromUrl(url);
return getDominantColors(pixels, colors).map(rgbToHex);
// getColors('your image url').then(console.log)
import sharp from 'sharp'
import { getDominantColors, rgbToHex } from 'color-supreme'
export const getColors = async (imagePath: string, colors = 5) => {
const { data, info } = await sharp(imagePath)
.toBuffer({ resolveWithObject: true })
const ImageData = {
buffer: data,
width: info.width,
height: info.height,
return getDominantColors(ImageData, colors).map(rgbToHex)
// getColors("your image path").then(console.log);
This library is open source software released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information. This code is provided as-is, without any warranty or guarantee of any kind. Use at your own risk. I cannot be held responsible for any issues or damages that may arise from the use of this code. However, I have done my best to ensure that it is well-written and thoroughly tested, and I am always open to feedback and suggestions for improvement. Thank you for your understanding. I hope you enjoy using it and find it useful in your projects. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out.