1.0.5 • Published 8 years ago

colortv-receiver-sdk v1.0.5

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Last release
8 years ago

The ColorTV Receiver SDK is a JavaScript library for Custom Receiver Chromecast applications that enables developers to monetize their apps.

Firstly, set your appId in example file. Secondly install user-aget switcher in your browser. For Chrome, we advise user-agent switcher plugin Remember to disable AdBlock.

Below you can find example user-agent that should be set in user-agent switcher.

 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux armv7l) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.87 Safari/537.36 CrKey/1.19a.63621  
<!-- In order to run this example in your browser, you need to change your user agent to fit connected-tv. -->
<!-- For Chrome browser, we advise user-agent switcher plugin:  https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/user-agent-switcher-for-c/djflhoibgkdhkhhcedjiklpkjnoahfmg -->
<!-- Below is example user-agent that you should set in user-agent switcher -->
<!-- Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux armv7l) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.87 Safari/537.36 CrKey/1.19a.63621  -->
<!-- Also remember to disable AdBlock -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <meta charset="UTF-8">
   <title>Chromecast Demo Application</title>
<div id="insertAdsHere">
       You need to specify the DOM element where you want to show ads.
       It must be the first child of the body tag.
  * When SDK will be fetched, it will emit 'ColorTVSDKReady' event. After that you can safely continue.
   window.addEventListener('ColorTVSDKReady', function () {
        *  Obtain ColorTV instance from SDK
       var colortv = window.ColorTVSDK.getInstance()
       var castManager = window.cast.receiver.CastReceiverManager.getInstance()
        * In order for SDK to monitor available senders, you must call proper functions in castSDK callbacks.
        * If you omit this section you will not be able to monetize.
       castManager.onSenderConnected = (event)=> {
       castManager.onSenderDisconnected = (event)=> {
       castManager.onSystemVolumeChanged = (event)=> {
       castManager.onShutdown = (event)=> {
        * We provide you a set of callbacks
       colortv.onAdLoaded = function () {
           console.log('Ad is loaded')

       colortv.onAdNotLoaded = function () {
           console.log('Ad is not loaded')

       colortv.onAdExpired = function (placement) {
           console.log(placement + 'ad expired')

       colortv.onSdkInitialized = function () {
           console.log('SDK is ready to use')

       colortv.onUnsupportedAdType = function () {
           console.log('Unsupported ad type')

       colortv.onConversionComplete = function () {
           console.log('Conversion complete')
        * You must initialize the SDK first by specifying the appID.
        * To create an appId you must generate it in our dashboard http://www.colortv.com/dashboard
           appId: 'INSERT_YOU_APPID_HERE'
       }).then(() => {
            * The init method needs to be called before castManager.start() to establish the correct channel connection.
            * You must load the ad before showing it, in order to create the optimal user experience you should provide enough time
            * to load the required assets. To choose a specific ad unit to show, call the loadAd with appropriate placement that is
            * configured in the dashboard. Ads have expiration time after being loaded (~10 minutes).
               placement: ColorTVSDK.Placements.INTERSTITIAL
           }).then(() => {
                * Call showAd function to show the ad after loading it.
                * You must pass the placement parameter (created in the dashboard) and node HTML DOM element you want us to append to.
                * It can be either a jQuery object or a Vanilla JS object.
                   placement: ColorTVSDK.Placements.INTERSTITIAL,
                   node: document.getElementById('insertAdsHere')
               }).then(() => {
                   console.info('Demo Finished')
               }).catch((error) => {
           }).catch((error) => {
       }).catch((error) => {
* You have multiple ways to include our SDK. For this example, script needs to be here due to event listener that we need to setup.
<script src="//www.gstatic.com/cast/sdk/libs/receiver/2.0.0/cast_receiver.js"></script>
<script src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/colortv-sdk/chromecast/js/colortv_sdk.min.js"></script>

The Google Cast SDK and ColoTV Receiver SDK must be included in your project. The SDK can be used in two ways: you can get it from the window object or it can be imported as a module. Next the SDK needs to be initialized. An appID is generated in our dashboard dashboard and is used to identify your app.

The SDK must be initialized before you start castManger because of the additional channels Colortv Sender SDK communicates with the Receiver App on. You may append your callback to any of the core functions of the SDK: init, loadAd and showAd

In order to optimize the user experience we ask that you pause your application when launching our SDK, because if something happens during the ad the user will only be able to react by closing the SDK.

In the following example Promises are used for callbacks.
The callback takes the parameters object as first argument and the second argument can be used for you to pass the function that will be fired as soon as the SDK function is complete. The callback function takes the error object as the first parameter ( error-first style).



8 years ago


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8 years ago