1.0.4 • Published 2 years ago

com.ant-automation.antcity.video.streaming.client v1.0.4

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2 years ago

SteramingReceiverServer Unity client

Receive rtsp and mjpg video stremaing protocols in unity Texture2D.



  1. Add UI RawImage gameobject to scene
  2. Create empty gameobject
  3. Add CameraReceiverMemory Component to empty gameobject
  4. Set Cameras Size to number of received streaming cameras (example 1)
  5. Set Cameras Elements 5.1. Set RawImage created in (2) to Camera Source
    5.2. Set streaming camera size (example X:640 Y:480)


  1. Clone streaming.receiver.server Console C# project.
  2. Edit cameraConfig.json to receive streaming. Example:
  "MemoryFile": "CameraReceiveStream",
  "CameraIP": [

  "CameraPort": [ 10000],
    "Protocol": [ "rtsp"]

Protocol: "rtsp" or " http".

  1. Run project

rtsp Emitting Application

Create an Unity Scene and follow the instruction at rtsp.h264.streaming.server

ReplicANT Emitting Application

You can combine rtsp and ReplicANT Camera Server streaming.
To receive a ReplicaANT Camera Server stremings:

  1. set "Protocol": [ "http"] in cameraConfig.json file
  2. Set the proper streaming camera size in client application
  3. Run ReplicANT with CameraServer plugin
  4. Run the ReplicANT Unity application with security cameras.

You can download ReplicANT here


    (3.) Client                                         (2.) CameraReceiverServer         (1.) rtsp Emitting App
     Unity App                      Memory File                Console App                      ╔══════════╗
╔════════════════════╗Camera[0]┌─────────────────────┐ ╔═════════════════════════╗ Streaming[0]┌╢  Server  ║
║   GameObject With  ╟─────────┤                     ├─╢                         ╟ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘╚══════════╝
║CameraReceiverMemory║         │"CameraReceiveStream"│ ║streaming.Receiver.server║              (1.) ReplicANT         Unity 
║      Component     ╟─────────┤                     ├─╢                         ╟ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐╔════════════╗ ┌─┐ ╔════════════╗
╚════════════════════╝Camera[n]└─────────────────────┘ ╚═════════════════════════╝ Streaming[n]└╢CameraServer╟─┤ ├─╢Emitting App║
                                                                                                ╚════════════╝ └─┘ ╚════════════╝
  1. Run Emitting Application (and ReplicANT if it is necesary)
  2. Run CameraReceiverServer
  3. Run Client Application