0.0.6 • Published 5 years ago

com.os.mobile.blinkreceipt v0.0.6

Weekly downloads
MIT License
Last release
5 years ago


This is a Cordova plugin that wraps the BlinkReceipt iOS and (coming soon) Android SDKs


  1. Clone or download this repository
  2. In your Cordova app's folder run cordova plugin add /path/to/blinkreceipt-cordova
  • Note: This will automatically download the BlinkReceipt iOS static framework which is ~20mb so it may take a few minutes depending on your connection speed


  • To initiate a scan session, you call the scanReceipt function as follows:
cordova.plugins.blinkReceipt.scanReceipt(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
  • The options parameter you pass in is an object with the following properties:
licenseKeyYesThis is the iOS license key that you must generate at the Microblink Dashboard
staticScanNoBy default the scanning session will use the live camera, but you can pass true for this parameter to instead scan from the camera roll. When running on the iOS simulator you will always scan from camera roll.
edgeDetectionNoPass true in order to turn on edge detection which prompts the user with tips for adjusting their distance from the receipt
storeUserFramesNoPass true in order to store the frames the user snapped during the scan session. The file paths for these frames will be found in the userFramesFilepaths key of the scan results
dontSaveDataNoPass true to prevent the SDK from saving any receipt data or images remotely
invoiceModeNoPass true to indicate that the document type for this scan session is a full size paper invoice (rather than a receipt)
  • The successCallback is a function as follows:
function successCallback(scanResults) {
  //access results
  • scanResults is an object containing all the data from the scan session with property names matching those of the iOS results objects such as BRScanResults, BRProduct etc which are all documented at https://blinkreceipt.github.io/blinkreceipt-ios

  • The errorCallback is a function as follows:

function errorCallback(errorObject) {
  //errorObject.error contains a description of the error
  • As with all Cordova plugins, you must wait for the deviceready event before interacting with this plugin.


  • Here is a small demo showing how to initate a scan session and output the results to the console from within your own Cordova app (this assumes your page has a button with id btnScan on it):
var app = {

    // Application Constructor
    initialize: function() {
        document.addEventListener('deviceready', this.onDeviceReady.bind(this), false);

    // deviceready Event Handler
    // Bind any cordova events here. Common events are:
    // 'pause', 'resume', etc.
    onDeviceReady: function() {
        document.getElementById('btnScan').addEventListener('touchstart', this.btnScanTouch.bind(this));

    btnScanTouch: function() {
        var options = {licenseKey: "your_license_key",
                        edgeDetection: true,
                        storeUserFrames: true

        cordova.plugins.blinkReceipt.scanReceipt(this.scanSuccess.bind(this), this.scanFailure.bind(this), options);

    scanSuccess: function(scanResults) {
        window.alert("Scanning complete!");
        console.log("Scan results: " + JSON.stringify(scanResults));

    scanFailure: function(error) {
        window.alert("Scanning error: " + error.error);
