2.0.2 • Published 2 months ago

com.playdarium.unity.localization v2.0.2

Weekly downloads
Last release
2 months ago


NPM package License: MIT


Using the native Unity Package Manager introduced in 2017.2, you can add this library as a package by modifying your manifest.json file found at /ProjectName/Packages/manifest.json to include it as a dependency. See the example below on how to reference it.

Install via OpenUPM

The package is available on the npmjs registry.

Add registry scope

  "dependencies": {
  "scopedRegistries": [
      "name": "Playdarium",
      "url": "https://registry.npmjs.org",
      "scopes": [

Add package in PackageManager

Open Window -> Package Manager choose Packages: My Regestries and install package

Install via GIT URL

"com.playdarium.unity.localization": "https://gitlab.com/pd-packages/localization.git#upm"


Install localization

Create scriptable installer Installers/Localization/LocalizationProjectInstaller and assign it to your ProjectContext

Google spreadsheet structure

key - Has fixed name and can't be customized
language names - Language names can be customized because stored as string value



Add localization component

Add component LocalizationInjection on your GameObject and assign Components what you need localize. Script LocalizationInjection automatically collect all fields with LocalizationAttribute from assigned components.

Localize fields

Localize static text:

For localize static text add attribute LocalizationAttribute to target field. Target field should be private and SerializeField or public.

public class SomeView : MonoBehaviour
    private Text text;

Localize dynamic text:

For dynamic localization you need provide text contained args pattern. Args pattern you can create using Localizable.ToArgs(params string[] args).

public class SomeView : MonoBehaviour
    [Localization("localization.key", true)] 
    private Text text;

Localization key can contain formatting arguments.

Localization keys:

text.format"{0}: {1}"
public class SomeView : MonoBehaviour
    [Localization("text.format", true)] 
    private Text textField;


// Assign text to field in your controller script
textField.text = Localizable.ToArgs("text.score", "100");

// Output: "Score: 100"