1.0.31 • Published 3 years ago

com.sap.designsystem.community v1.0.31

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Last release
3 years ago

Community Design system

To test components from the desigh system in the other community applications: 1. Run npm run build:dev to build DS bundle in the dist folder 2. Run npm link to create local npm package of the DS 3. In the root of the project where you want to use DS run npm link com.sap.designsystem.community to create symlink of the DS in the project node_modules. 4. Run npm run build:dev to re-build the DS each time you want to make some changes

Zeplin Integration

Getting Started guide for React. Better use VS Code with Zeplin extension for changing the configuration.

Zeplin plugins should be added to devDependencies:

  • @zeplin/cli
  • @zeplin/cli-connect-react-plugin
  • @zeplin/cli-connect-storybook-plugin

Command to add the component integration into Zeplin: npm run zeplin

Command to check integration with Zeplin locally: npm run zeplin:dev

Storybook integration

There was an error during Zeplin command run: Connecting components to Zeplin components failed. Error: unable to get local issuer certificate. It was solved by setting "ignoreSSLErrors": true.

But such error can also be solved by setting environment variable NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS. For that load SAPNetCA_G2.crt and SAP Global Root CA.crt from https://sapcerts.wdf.global.corp.sap/.

Merge the certificates into one file

cat /path/to/SAPNetCA_G2.crt /path/to/SAP\ Global\ Root\ CA.crt > /path/to/SAP_CA.crt

Export the environment variable with the path to file created above export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=/path/to/SAP_CA.crt