2.1.1 • Published 30 days ago

com.xavierarpa.uniflux v2.1.1

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UniFlux - Flexible Event Driven and Flux for Unity

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In this example, we call CastTest via "StarterFlux.CastTest" key

using UniFlux; // 1
public sealed class StarterFlux : MonoFlux // 2
  private void Start() => "StarterFlux.CastTest".Dispatch(); // 3
public sealed class TestFlux : MonoFlux 
  [MethodFlux("StarterFlux.CastTest")] private void CastTest() =>   Debug.Log("Hello World"); // 4

Here we can use a local state and get's a reactive behaviour using "OnChange_Life", also we can call it using "Set_Life" or get the current state with "Get_Life"...

using UniFlux;
float _life;
public float Life
    [MethodFlux("Get_Life")] get => _life;
    [MethodFlux("Set_Life")] set 
      _life = value;
  [MethodFlux("OnChange_Life")] private void OnChange_Life(float value)
    // ...

Here are examples of what you can do:

"1".Dispatch(); // - Send a Message
int _2 = "2".Dispatch<int>(); // - Send a Message and return a value
"3".Dispatch<int>(42); // - Send a Message with an argument
int _4 = "4".Dispatch<int,int>(42); // - Send a Message with an argument and return a value

Also we made easily handle IEnumerators, Task and UniTask


// To enable UniTask integration from https://github.com/Cysharp/UniTask"

You can use the KEY type as an TaskAwaiter, calling Task cast implicit !

private static async Task Example()
  await "KEY"; // Calls "KEY".Task();

Also can create anonimous subscriptions in case you don't want to do a method (not recommended)

"42".Store(()=>{}, true); // Anonimous Subscriptions

Compared methods of UniFlux | Name | Iterations | GC | Time | |-----------|--------------:|------:|-----:| | UniFlux (Dispatch int ) | 10.000 | 0B | 0ms | | UniFlux (Dispatch string ) | 10.000 | 0B | 1ms | | UniFlux (Store int ADD) | 10.000 | 1.2MB | ~3ms | | UniFlux (Store string ADD) | 10.000 | 1.2MB | ~3ms | | UniFlux (Store int REMOVE) | 10.000 | 1.2MB | ~30ms | | UniFlux (Store string REMOVE) | 10.000 | 1.2MB | ~30ms |

look how nice work Dispatching interger and string, Storing by design is planned to do it once so there's no problem in performance.

  • You can install via openupm CLI
openupm add com.xavierarpa.uniflux
  • You can install via npm
npm i com.xavierarpa.uniflux

For support, email arpaxavier@gmail.com

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