0.1.0 • Published 4 years ago

comander-spellbook v0.1.0

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4 years ago

Commander Spellbook

An unofficial wrapper for the Commander Spellbook API.


npm install --save commander-spellbook

The module is a singleton object that can look up combos from the Commander Spellbook API.

var spellbook = require("commander-spellbook");


The API that Commander Spellbook provides is a JSON version of the underlying Google spreadsheet that they use to host the combo data. While convenient that the data is available to use, the actual method for looking up combos could be easier. This module aims to simplify the lookup process.


Look up all the combos with the search method:

spellbook.seach().then((combos) => {
  // loop over the array of combos

In addition, search takes an optional configuration object to filter the results:

  cards?: Array<"strings representing card names">;
  colorIdentity?: string | Array<string>;

One or both properties must be used. The resulting object will be an array of combos that have this shape:

  commanderSpellbookId: number;
  permalink: "https://commanderspellbook.com/?id=" + commanderSpellbookId;
  cards: Card[];
  colorIdentity: ColorIdentity;
  prerequisites: SpellbookList;
  steps: SpellbookList;
  result: SpellbookList;
  • commanderSpellbookId is the id in the commander spellbook database.
  • permalink is the link available to view the combo on the commander spellbook website.
  • cards is an array of Card objects.
  • colorIdentity is a ColorIdentity object indicating the color identity of the combo
  • prerequisites is a SpellbookList object that contains the things required before doing the combo.
  • steps is a SpellbookList object that contains steps to do the combo.
  • result is a SpellbookList object that contains the results from doing the combo.

See the Models section for more information on the custom classes.

Search Options


Pass an array of card names (up to 10) to look for combos for those cards.

When passing a cards array, at least one value must be passed.

// find combos that include one card
    cards: ["Sydri, Galvanic Genius"],
  .then(function (combos) {
    // loop through combos

// find combos that include more than 1 card
    cards: ["Thornbite Staff", "Basilisk Collar"],
  .then(function (combos) {
    // loop through combos

Partial matches also work:

// find combos that include Sydri using a short name
    cards: ["Sydri"],
  .then(function (combos) {
    // loop through combos

// find combos that include Thornbite Staff and Basilisk Collar using a short name
    cards: ["Thorn Staff", "Bas Colla"],
  .then(function (combos) {
    // loop through combos

Punctuation, capitalization and spaces are ignored:

// find combos that include Alhammarret's Archive
    cards: ["mMaRrEts aR"],
  .then(function (combos) {
    // loop through combos


Pass either a string representing the color combination you're looking for:

    colorIdentity: "bug",
  .then(function (combos) {
    // loop through all combos in the sultai colors

Or an array of single digit strings representing the color combination:

    colorIdentity: ["b", "u", "g"],
  .then(function (combos) {
    // loop through all combos in the sultai colors

This is of course best used in conjunction with the cards option.



An object that has a few convenience methods for rendering the card.

The name of the card can accessed via the name property. The Scryfall URI can be accessed via the scryfallURI property;

card.name; // "Rashmi, Eternities Crafter"
card.scryfallURI; // "https://scryfall.com/search?q=!%22Rasmi,+Eternities+Crafter%22"


Resolves a promise with the Scryfall object from the scryfall-client module for the card.

card.getScryfallData().then((cardData) => {
  // inspect card data


Returns a url that can be used to display the card using an image from Scryfall.

const url = card.getScryfallImageUrl(); // https://api.scryfall.com/cards/named?format=image&exact=Rashmi,%2C%20Eternities%20Crafter

A string may be passed as an argument to specify what kind of image you would like. See the Scryfyall version documentation for more details. The possible values are:

  • small
  • normal
  • large
  • png
  • art_crop
  • border_crop
const url = card.getScryfallImageUrl("art_crop"); // https://api.scryfall.com/cards/named?format=image&exact=Rashmi,%2C%20Eternities%20Crafter&version=art_crop


Returns the raw result from the Commander Spellbook API.

card.toString(); // Rashmi, Eternities Crafter


Returns a img tag of the card.

card.toImage(); // <img src="https://api.scryfall.com/cards/named?format=image&exact=Rashmi,%2C%20Eternities%20Crafter" />

A string may be passed as an argument to specify what kind of image you would like. See the Scryfyall version documentation for more details. The possible values are:

  • small
  • normal
  • large
  • png
  • art_crop
  • border_crop
card.toImage("art_crop"); // <img src="https://api.scryfall.com/cards/named?format=image&exact=Rashmi,%2C%20Eternities%20Crafter&version=art_crop" />


Returns a span tag of the card name that displays the card image when hovered over.

card.toHTML(); // <span>Rashmi, Eternities Crafter</span>

It takes an options object:

  skipName?: boolean;
  skipTooltip?: boolean;
  className?: string;

skipName will not include the name of the card in the span, but will still attach the listeners for display the card image tooltip.

skipTooltip will skip adding code to generate the tooltip when hovering over the card name.

className will add any classes as the className attribute on the span.


An object that has a few convenience methods for rendering the color identity.

The raw spellbook API gives the color identity in the form of a string. For a white/blue identity, the string would look like: "w,u".

The colors can be accessed with the colors array.

ci.colors; // ["w", "u"]


Returns the raw result from the Commander Spellbook API.

ci.toString(); // w,u


Returns a string that renders teh color identity as markdown.

ci.toMarkdown(); // :manaw::manau:


Returns a document fragment that includes the colors as mana symbols in img tags.

ci.toHTML(); // <img src="https://c2.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-symbols/card-symbols/W.svg"><img src="https://c2.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-symbols/card-symbols/U.svg">


An Array-like object that has a few convenience methods for rendering the data.

The raw spellbook API gives the prerquisites, steps and results data in the form of a single string deliminated by ..

For the following examples, we'll assume that the raw Spellbook API gave us this information:

Step 1. Step 2. Step 3.

The SpellbookList model has various methods to access the data:

Array Methods

You can use any Array methods to access the data:

list.length; // 3
list[0]; // Step 1
list[1]; // Step 2
list[2]; // Step 3
list.forEach((step) => {
  // render step


Provides the raw string given to us by the Spellbook API.

// Step 1. Step 2. Step 3.

This method will be envoked when it is interpolated:

const text = `Here are the steps: ${list}`;
// Here are the steps: Step 1. Step 2. Step 3.


Provides the list as an HTMLUListElement.

// <ul>
//   <li>Step 1</li>
//   <li>Step 2</li>
//   <li>Step 3</li>
// </ul>

If a step includes a mana symbol, it is automatically converted to an svg:

list[1] === "Step 2 :manaw:";
// <ul>
//   <li>Step 1</li>
//   <li>Step 2 <img src="https://c2.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-symbols/card-symbols/W.svg"></li>
//   <li>Step 3</li>
// </ul>

An options object can be passed when creating the list:

  className?: string;

className will apply a class name string to the ul element.


Provides the list as an HTMLOListElement.

// <ol>
//   <li>Step 1</li>
//   <li>Step 2</li>
//   <li>Step 3</li>
// </ol>

If a step includes a mana symbol, it is automatically converted to an svg:

list[1] === "Step 2 :manaw:";
// <ol>
//   <li>Step 1</li>
//   <li>Step 2 <img src="https://c2.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-symbols/card-symbols/W.svg"></li>
//   <li>Step 3</li>
// </ol>

An options object can be passed when creating the list:

  className?: string;

className will apply a class name string to the ol element.


Provides the list as a markdown string.

// * Step 1
// * Step 2
// * Step 3

If a step includes a mana symbol, it is assumed that your markdown parser will handle the conversion.

Browser Support

The source code is written in Typescript and transpiled to ES5.

The module makes use of the Promise object, so if this SDK is used in a browser that does not support promises, it will need to be polyfilled in your script.

Contributing Guidelines

Code Style

The code base uses Prettier. Run:

npm run pretty


To lint and run all the tests, simply run:

npm test

To run just the unit tests, run:

npm run test:unit

To run just the linting command, run:

npm run lint

To run the integration tests, run:

npm run test:integration

To run the publishing test, run:

npm run test:publishing


If you find a bug, feel free to open an issue or a Pull Request.