1.0.1 • Published 8 years ago

combi-server-router v1.0.1

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8 years ago


A request router made for the combi-server framework


  • Install with npm install --save combi-server-router
  • Require with var Route = require("combi-server-router")
  • Create a router var router = new Route.Router();
  • Add some routes router.get('/', functionToServeIndexPage);
  • Mount the middleware server.use(Route.middleware(router));
  • ???
  • Profit


Requiring combi-server-router exposes two objects on the target variable, Router and middleware.


Router is a constructor for a router-core request router. Refer to the documentation of that for more details. To summarise:

  • router.method(VERB): Enable a HTTP verb on this router. By default, GET and POST already exists, as does ALL (Catch all for all methods). VERB is case insensitive, will be uppercased, and routes can be added to it with the following method
  • router.[verb](path, handler): Add a route for the specified (lower case) verb at the given path. Sections of the URL can be parametised by prefixing them with a colon. The path can also be a regular expression, although capture groups will not add parameters.


middleware is simply the connecting glue from router-core to combi-server, it processes the given request object and passes it to the router-core module. It's used as a combi-server middleware in the following way: server.use(Route.middleware(router)); where server is the combi-server object, Route is the require'd combi-server-router and router is a configured router-core router.