1.1.2 • Published 6 years ago

cometd-node-promise-client v1.1.2

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Last release
6 years ago

CometD client for Node.js that adds support for promises


Add the client to your project by running: npm install cometd-node-promise-client


1) Instantiate the CometD client

1.a) with the default console logger:

const cometd = new CometdClient();


1.b) with the Winston logger:

Winston.loggers.add('COMETD', {
  console: { level: 'info', colorize: true, label: 'COMETD' }
const cometd = new CometdClient(Winston.loggers.get('COMETD'));

2) Configure the CometD client

    url: cometdServerUrl,
    requestHeaders: { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + this.session.access_token }, // Optional parameter if you wan to pass additional headers
    appendMessageTypeToURL: false

3) Handshake with the CometD server and subscribe to a topicName topic:

cometd.connect().then(() => {
    // Connection succeeded
    cometd.subscribe(topicName, onMessageReceived).then(subscription => {
        // This promise resolves when the client has succesfully subscribed

The onMessageReceived callback function is executed each time a topicName message is received.

Alternatively, you can batch subscriptions (network optimization):

const cometdPromises = [
    cometd.subscribe(topic1, onMessage1Received),
    cometd.subscribe(topic2, onMessage2Received)
cometd.batch(cometdPromises).then(() => {
    // This promise resolves when the batch is processed

4) If you wish to unsubscribe from a topic:

cometd.unsubscribe(subscription).then(() => {
    // This promise resolves when the client has succesfully unsubscribed

5) When you no longer need your CometD client, disconnect from the server:

cometd.disconnect().then(() => {
    // This promise resolves when the client has succesfully disconnected

disconnect() unsubscribes from all active subscriptions.