1.0.2 • Published 7 years ago

command-loader-fisherman v1.0.2

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7 years ago

Fisherman Command Loader

Loads commands from files in a directory

Set up

npm install --save command-loader-fisherman

Include the middleware to the bot:

const CommandLoader = require('command-loader-fisherman')
var commandLoader = new CommandLoader(path.resolve(__dirname, 'commands')) //the  command dir

Adding commands

As you can see, you initialize the CommandLoader with a directory, use path.resolve() to get the full path directory location (since fs.stat() is used).

Commands are loaded once you initialize middlewares with fisherman.

Each commands should be in a subfolder, named like the register name. A _register.json as to be present in each register directory

Tree example (C = commands folder):

│       help.js
│       _register.json

Each javascript file inside will be loaded, which should contains a exported command object

Javascript command file

You just have to export a command object, like this:

Example: help command (named help.js, in core dir)

var helpMessageBuilt = null
module.exports = {
  name: 'help',
  execute: function (req, res) {
    if (helpMessageBuilt) {
      res.send('', { embed: helpMessageBuilt }).catch(console.log)
    var embed = { title: 'Bot help' }
    var description = ''
    var commands
    req.client.registers.forEach(function (register) {
      commands = ''
      register.forEach(function (value) {
        commands = commands + ' `' + value.name + '` '
      description = description + '__' + register.name + ':__\n' + commands + '\n\n'

    embed.description = description
    helpMessageBuilt = embed
    res.send('', { embed: helpMessageBuilt }).catch(console.log)
  channelType: ['dm', 'text']


_register.json file

This file contain register properties, it has to appear in each register directory:

There are only 3 properties:

keyRegister key name (used in register map of fisherman)
nameRegister name
descriptionRegister description

All those property have default value = null


    "key": "fun",
    "name": "fun",
    "description": "commands for user fun time"